Would You Shoot??? Woman Attacked And Robbed Of Her Bag While Police Do Nothing

Ready to shit your pants? This and other 'no duty to protect' cases have been covered on NES in the past. Matt
Six months later:
Ready to shit your pants? This and other 'no duty to protect' cases have been covered on NES in the past. Matt
Six months later:

1. No doubt. You can't sue the city b/c they didn't do their job.

2. If I were mayor, both of those cops would be fired the next day.

3. This still reminds me of "Chris" the androgynous SS agent that couldn't reholster her fat-ass pistol last summer. Incompetent people being allowed into important, dangerous jobs. I'm reading a Mitch Rapp book and it talks about the rigorous training of SS agents. And I keep thinking back to Tubby not being able to reholster. It's a miracle she didn't accidentally shoot tehDonald.

Oh that was a general comment, not aimed directly at you. Just reminding people the OP incident was NOT in this country. Just tyring to keep things on point, said the man who spends more time with ancillary comments than any two other NES'ers. LOL
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