As bad as MA's even worse in NC

This winter I'm moving from the people's republic of California to Massachusetts. I thought CA was bad, but I've been reading up on MA law and am astounded at the situation in MA. It's even worse in NC? I didn't think it could be worse that a state that has juvenile laws like outlawing shooting at a paper silhouette target.

BTW, what's a moonbat?
This winter I'm moving from the people's republic of California to Massachusetts. I thought CA was bad, but I've been reading up on MA law and am astounded at the situation in MA. It's even worse in NC? I didn't think it could be worse that a state that has juvenile laws like outlawing shooting at a paper silhouette target.

BTW, what's a moonbat?

A moonbat is an ultra liberal, like a mix of a bleeding heart liberal, granola eater, tree-hugger, if it saves only one life, no pledge of allegiance, gun me out here...what else...

Don't worry about the silhouette target nonsense, it applies in a very specific licensing situation and as i am told, is limited to just one club in the state.

I don't like the idea of having to register firearms purchases with the state and feds, and I especially don't like the idea of having to do it locally.
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This winter I'm moving from the people's republic of California to Massachusetts. I thought CA was bad, but I've been reading up on MA law and am astounded at the situation in MA. It's even worse in NC? I didn't think it could be worse that a state that has juvenile laws like outlawing shooting at a paper silhouette target.

BTW, what's a moonbat?

[laugh] is your friend... so is
I didn't think it could be worse that a state that has juvenile laws like outlawing shooting at a paper silhouette target.

Only if the club holds a Club License to Carry Firearms - something that is not required and almost never done.
My brother tells me you can't buy a handgun here without the approval of the county sheriff..for each one!

Well, first of all, it's pretty much "shall issue". A goofy waste of time, but not terribly restrictive. But more importantly, if you have a concealed carry license, the 'permit to purchase' requirement goes out the window and you can buy as many handguns as you'd like. NC has also decided, and the federal DOJ has agreed, that a concealed carry permit is a valid alternative to a NICS check. So, no NICS checks necessary for gun purchases with your CCW in NC.

Since there is no permit required to purchase long guns or to possess any gun (except full auto), there is no AWB ban, no large cap ban, no "approved handgun" list, and concealed carry permits are "shall issue", I don't think you can call NC worse than MA by a long shot.

(But don't get caught speeding in NC! Mandatory 30 day loss of license for 15+ MPH over)
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im guessing that applies for people that live in NC only?

I don't think NC has the authority to suspend out of state licenses... yet [thinking] However, you would be subject to the NRVC, which is an agreement among 45 states that if you don't respond to a speeding tickets in any of the member states, your local state will suspend your license. This could possibly mean your home state suspending your license upon notification from NC that it would have been suspended if it were a NC license. I don't know exactly how NC handles this, but my suspicion is that if pay the fine quickly, NC would never report it to your state as unresolved.
A moonbat is an ultra liberal, like a mix of a bleeding heart liberal, granola eater, tree-hugger, if it saves only one life, no pledge of allegiance, gun me out here...what else...

Oh, I see. I live in central California but am moving back to MA this winter. I guess I've never heard that term because we have our own names for them: Berkeleyites and San Fransciscans. Thanks for the education.
Moonbats... they aren't just passive about being liberals... they are very knee jerk and respond very excitedly and vigorously to everything conservative that offends them. Busy bodies. The neighbor you'd hate to have because they'll be the first one to report you if your grass grows longer than a town ordinance allows. They like to call everyone racist and sexist rather than actually argue any facts. They go to radio talk show host calling seminars where they are taught how to call up talk show hosts and tell them they are racists, and to then keep babbling on and on and ignore any facts or questions aimed at them.

I think Howie Carr invented the term but I'm not 100% sure on that one.
Well, first of all, it's pretty much "shall issue". A goofy waste of time, but not terribly restrictive. But more importantly, if you have a concealed carry license, the 'permit to purchase' requirement goes out the window and you can buy as many handguns as you'd like. NC has also decided, and the federal DOJ has agreed, that a concealed carry permit is a valid alternative to a NICS check. So, no NICS checks necessary for gun purchases with your CCW in NC.

Yup. NC only sucks if you're part of the "unwashed" that doesn't have a CCW, but it's otherwise far better than MA and most other anti states.

There is no "unwashed" in NC like there is in MA. CCW is shall issue there, you go to the Sheriff pay the fee for the license and wait a couple weeks. Wham bam stick a gun in your belt and go have breakfast. The purchase permit is only for handguns purchased by someone without a CCW. If you have a CCW there is no waiting period much like MA with an LTC.

The only two things about NC firearms laws that suck are this:

1 - CCW is limited FAR more than Massachusetts. Any place where alcohol is served to be consumed on the premises is off limits for CCW ie. dinner at anyplace where you can order a beer, bars etc. and also CCW is illegal at any place that charges admission, so no CCW at movie theaters, state fairs, sporting events, etc.

2 - The NC Attorney General has decided that there is no reason for a NC resident to own any NFA regulated items. Even though some Sheriffs would have no problem signing your forms you have no options. The AG has also decided that trusts are not a viable way of circumventing the system in order to obtain class 3 items. Want a suppressor or SBR? You're SOL.

Oh and they don't have a non-resident CCW. They do however observe most other state's licenses.
There is no "unwashed" in NC like there is in MA. CCW is shall issue there, you go to the Sheriff pay the fee for the license and wait a couple weeks. Wham bam stick a gun in your belt and go have breakfast. The purchase permit is only for handguns purchased by someone without a CCW. If you have a CCW there is no waiting period much like MA with an LTC.

The only two things about NC firearms laws that suck are this:

1 - CCW is limited FAR more than Massachusetts. Any place where alcohol is served to be consumed on the premises is off limits for CCW ie. dinner at anyplace where you can order a beer, bars etc. and also CCW is illegal at any place that charges admission, so no CCW at movie theaters, state fairs, sporting events, etc.

2 - The NC Attorney General has decided that there is no reason for a NC resident to own any NFA regulated items. Even though some Sheriffs would have no problem signing your forms you have no options. The AG has also decided that trusts are not a viable way of circumventing the system in order to obtain class 3 items. Want a suppressor or SBR? You're SOL.

Oh and they don't have a non-resident CCW. They do however observe most other state's licenses.

Given that, I'll have to eat shoe leather and rescind what I just said. [laugh]

Sounds like it sorta sucks, especially given point #1. None of the states in new england are that bad, save for maybe RI where permits are near unobtainium.

Yeah, every time I go there to visit my parents I get aggravated because I spend time near the downtown area of Durham (think if Dorchester were violent...that's downtown Durham) and think about how much better I'd feel if only I could have a non-resident carry permit and 9 rounds of .45ACP on me.
1 - CCW is limited FAR more than Massachusetts. Any place where alcohol is served to be consumed on the premises is off limits for CCW ie. dinner at anyplace where you can order a beer, bars etc. and also CCW is illegal at any place that charges admission, so no CCW at movie theaters, state fairs, sporting events, etc.

Yes, this is the major downside of NC laws. You also forgot parades, protests, and funeral processions taking place on public property.

I'd also add another to your list:

3) They have a no brandishing law. You can be convicted of 'terrorizing' the public with your gun.
3) They have a no brandishing law. You can be convicted of 'terrorizing' the public with your gun.

Do they? From what I understand the NC laws don't specifically prohibit open carry. However, local ordinances can prohibit it. Basically the same as in MA, is the way I understood it. I think they called it going armed to the terror of the public if some old Qtip calls the sheriff and he's not in a good mood that day.

From what I've learned, in some rural areas it's more common to see open carrying than not. Not that I'd want to be the test case.

There's a couple guys in my parents area that I see OCing all the time, they're not LEO either.

Good to know since I OC around my parents place when I'm there.
The whole 'terrorizing' law is vague. OC could be perfectly fine if it's expected, or it could be terrorizing if somebody sees your gun and is scared and calls LE. The NC AG has only said, "persons are cautioned as to the areas they frequent with firearms."
I spent 9 years in the USMC, with most of it stationed in Jacksonville, NC. As hard as it is to get a LTC down there, it's still much easier to buy and own a handgun in my opinion. The permits are not that hard to get. Granted, you have to get one each time you buy a new pistol (they allowed me up to 5 permits at a time per request), but that's it. If you run out of permits, just get more. There are no additional restrictions to own, carry to/from range, or use for protection in the home. Also, so long as the barrel is at least 6 inches (if I remember right) and your hunting license is good for the current season, you can carry in the woods.

Here in MA, you can't even own one without a LTC. I really wish they'd bring back the lifetime FID so that if your LTC ever lapses, you don't automatically become a criminal.
1 - CCW is limited FAR more than Massachusetts. Any place where alcohol is served to be consumed on the premises is off limits for CCW ie. dinner at anyplace where you can order a beer, bars etc. and also CCW is illegal at any place that charges admission, so no CCW at movie theaters, state fairs, sporting events, etc.

SO is there ANYWHERE in NC you can CCW? good lord! For as tough as MA is to get an LTCA-ALP in some places, we have almost free reign compared to that crap! [grin]
Sorry to hear about your Mom Dave. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thanks Jim. That's very much appreciated. She passed away today in her bed with all three remaining sons there.

We were actually talking guns around her bedside yesterday. She was a crack skeet shooter and she loved to talk about it. She may actually have been the first one to take me shooting.

The hospice nurse told the three brothers not to stand around staring at her like morons (which is exactly what we had been doing) and have a good time. Talk about old days, keep it light, etc. She was right. Until the last 24 hours we had a great time and then she started going down.

Those hospice people are angels. I don't know how they do it. We were totally clueless.

I got what little courage I have left from my mother. I've seen a lot of people die.

I tried to handle it like she would. At one point she leaned up to me and said "I'm really sorry it's taking so long." I asked her if she could hurry it because I had to get back to Boston. She laughed[grin]

My brothers, on the other hand, are pretty devastated. I just look at it as part of the cycle of life.

Anyway, back on topic. Upon further interrogation, I find that my younger brother is an even more paranoid right wing-nut that I am.

He refuses to apply for a CCW because he doesn't want to be in a "database."

He wants to drive over to SC and buy a handgun out of the newspaper. I asked if I could have his truck while he's in prison.[wink]

Thanks again Jim
Dave, very sorry to hear of your loss!

Stay strong and remember all the good times together.
Thanks Len
She was a Renaissance woman in every sense of the word. Miss Tennessee finalist in the 30's. WAC ferry pilot during WWII, CEO of her own company in the 50's, scratch golfer, shooter.
She had a long life, a good time and a lot of people who loved her. Can't beat that[grin]
Sorry to hear about your mother, tough stuff there.

Yeah, every time I go there to visit my parents I get aggravated because I spend time near the downtown area of Durham (think if Dorchester were violent...that's downtown Durham) and think about how much better I'd feel if only I could have a non-resident carry permit and 9 rounds of .45ACP on me.

You can carry there, get yourself a Florida non-res. permit through the mail, it's valid for 7 years and recognized in NC.
My condolences, News Shooter - I'm glad to hear that you at least got to say goodbye. She sounds like she was one hell of a lady.
"I" can't. I have to move to a town where the damn CLEO will give me a class A in Massachusetts before I can go about collecting all the other states!

Sorry to hear about your mother, tough stuff there.

You can carry there, get yourself a Florida non-res. permit through the mail, it's valid for 7 years and recognized in NC.
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