As bad as MA's even worse in NC

You don't need any kind of license to get a Florida non-resident concealed carry permit. You'd need a handgun to carry, but you could try to borrow one from a friend or relative (if you don't have a class B either, that is).
Thanks Len
She was a Renaissance woman in every sense of the word. Miss Tennessee finalist in the 30's. WAC ferry pilot during WWII, CEO of her own company in the 50's, scratch golfer, shooter.

She had a long life, a good time and a lot of people who loved her. Can't beat that[grin]

Wow - talk about "a life in full," she certainly had it.

My condolences on your loss.
I'm down here visiting my dying mother. That's another story.
My brother tells me you can't buy a handgun here without the approval of the county sheriff..for each one! The moonbats are moving South

Yes, but is that not a formality? I believe Nebraska requires a "pistol permit" a la Mass, but its a shall issue thing. It might simply be an anachronistic relic before they had instant background checks.
You don't need any kind of license to get a Florida non-resident concealed carry permit. You'd need a handgun to carry, but you could try to borrow one from a friend or relative (if you don't have a class B either, that is).

For real?!? that's the best news I've heard all day! Off to research!
Thanks Scriv. It's not a loss. It's a blessing to have been her first born.[grin]
How lucky you are! Or perhaps how wise. It took me YEARS to get past the bitterness after my father's death and to be able to just be thankful that I did have him for as long as I did. Sounds like you know how lucky you are already.
Sorry for your loss Dave.

I lost my mom when she was 46 and I 23. She had no business going anywhere that soon.
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