As Massachusetts shows, strong gun-safety laws work (Boston Globe)

This. There are are lot of really great, well thought out comments here. I’ll add that the licensing in Boston was, and is inherently racist. The time and money necessary to meet the requirements (Moon Island is no more though?) prevents many people, including myself initially, from completing the process. My wife and I started the process when we first moved here but stopped because it was too involved, costly, and time consuming; exactly what they want it to be.
Never mind that BPD HQ, the place where one must go to interview, has itself been physically hit with gunfire on multiple occasions. Having moved from VT 16 years ago, the local news was very quickly dubbed “the who shot who”.
Ignoring the price. Anytime you have something that is may issue with no explanation by a local authority it opens up the opportunity for racism
I would love to see a study done of a town/city with a high issuance of restrictions, a break down on restrictions by skin tone in liberal MA
I don't think that democrats are going to be that monumentally stupid to remove the filibuster when there is a 50-50 split in the senate. When the day comes and the democrats lose control of the senate the republicans would literally steamroll everything the democrats did in the prior congress. So what good would there be in removing the cloture and filibuster when they will be on the receiving end, just like what happened when they did this for judicial appointments. There won't even be a need for committee votes, it would just straight up and down votes in the senate on everything with no discussion.

I'm pretty sure a filibuster can also be used to prevent a vote on ending the filibuster. So effectively they need 60 votes for that too.
Ok Mr. Rosenthal now explain why Maine, Nh and Vermont have virtually no gun laws whatsoever but are the safest states in the nation. Hmmm? Now see a good journalist would ask him that question but there are no good journalists at the toilet paper Boston Globe. Ok? Thanks.
Those three states don’t fit the (false) narrative
Those numbers are highly suspect. So they’re saying NH has more gun crime ‘per capital’ than mass?! I smell BS.
He didn't say they have more gun crime per capita...... he said nh has more gun death per capita ....a number which includes suicide and accidents with guns. Which may be true believe it or not as a higher % of people in nh own guns.....but suicide and accidents with guns are irrelevant if you believe in a free world. See how they play the game woth numbers?
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Which one of all y'all with the numbers is going to go write a letter to the editor of the Glob? Don't just tell us what we know make your counterpoint to be published.
As far as Giffords Law Center is concerned, they rank Mass as number 7 for gun law strength and Illinois right behind it at number 8, both get an A- grade from them.
Illinios has strict gun laws. Getting an FOID to legally own guns and ammunition requires a fingerprint-based background check conducted by the Illinois State Police. That is the law and it is strictly enforced. Criminals simply ignore it. Nothing new or surprising.
Saturday night special is a colloquial term in the United States and Canada for inexpensive, compact, small-caliber handguns made of poor quality metal. Some states define these junk guns by means of composition or material strength. It's basically a throw away to shoot some one with. Also it's a great lynerd skynerd song
Nice lazy cut and paste, chump.
Can't stand these a**h***s who quote suicide gun deaths in their reports. All he's showing is that Alaska has a higher suicide rate by firearm than MA. Guess it would make sense that people in Alaska are a little more self sufficient at killing themselves. Here in MA they just turn to crack and heroin lol
What MA gun laws have done are:

1) Create a culture of paranoia that makes most gun owners feel like criminals
2) Emboldens fudds to "police" other gun owners to obnoxious levels
3) Create a huge cloud of misinformation in the state and out side of the state about what is actually legal in MA
4) Made most semi-auto rifles cost prohibitive for a the casual gun owner (the die hards aren't above returning cans and bottles to fund a build)

I'm sure there are plenty more
Can't stand these a**h***s who quote suicide gun deaths in their reports. All he's showing is that Alaska has a higher suicide rate by firearm than MA. Guess it would make sense that people in Alaska are a little more self sufficient at killing themselves. Here in MA they just turn to crack and heroin lol
Also Alaska is more remote and people overall are more isolated and longer periods of darkness which is more likely to lead to depression and suicide.
I suppose one part of MA gun control works - 92% (last time I checked) of legal handgun owners in MA are licensed to legally carry concealed. Those places were a small fraction of 1% of non-leo, non-connected legal handgun owners can legally carry should learn a lesson from this.
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