So I read these threads and the mental masturbation everybody goes through but for the life of me can’t figure out why:
A) The ATF cares about braces and
B) Gun owners care about braces
I get not wanting to be told what to do by “the man”, or standing on principle to not step onto the slippery slope of well, you don’t need this and you don’t need that, then all of a sudden we have nothing. 100% get it and I’m with you, gubmint needs to stay out of my life, wallet, bedroom, and gun safe. Also, how are these more dangerous than anything else? Can the ATF articulate that and if not, why should they be banned? If I can legally possess a gun, who cares what form it takes? If I want a 2” barrel and a shoulder stock, so what, it just means I ain’t gonna hit squat at any reasonable distance. As a gun user, I don’t see a use case for me, that’s not to say others don’t have a use case, nor would I suppose to tell them what to do or what they should have. If > 50 yards, I want a shoulder mounted long barreled rifle to hit what I am aiming at, less than 50 yards a pistol will do me fine most of the time. Other than for a disabled person, what use case is there for having a short barreled rifle that you hold like a pistol? I’m not saying people shouldn’t be able to own them, I just don’t see the appeal or use case for the reasons I would use a gun. It all seems an impractical modification if we’re not talking about the standing on principle thing, again, we have to fight the administrative state with every ounce of energy because their ”agency” in the legal sense of the word, is to enforce laws, not create them. Other than that, if it’s your thing, I’ll never stand in your way to have, build, own, or use one. I know there will be those who jump to the fudd conclusion because they’re not taking the full context here, but I can‘t figure out the hullabaloo around any of this other than the f@ckery of the deep state to create a quagmire so deep, they can screw you at their whim. Best of luck, I hope SCOTUS flicks the deep state wankers in the scrotum the first chance they get.
Bewildered on the Interweb