NES Member
Certainly, not "everyone". In my case, being somewhat new to all of this stuff, I bought my braced pistol in good faith a few years ago, really knowing nothing about the NFA and SBRs and the history of braced pistols. All I knew was that after purchasing a carbine length AR and really enjoying that, I saw a bunch of (perfectly legal) braced pistols at my LGS and thought, "hey cool, a compact version of an AR...I think I'll buy one!"Everyone bought braced pistols to skirt NFA and the SBR process.
Oh, and incidentally, I've actually been using the brace as an actual brace lately, after having had three surgeries over the past year on my support hand. And now my wrist is all screwed up to boot, which sure takes a lot of the fun out of shooting (and just about everything else) lately.