Atlanta Police Fatally Shoot Black Man in the Back at Wendy's Drive-Thru


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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A 27-year-old African-American man was shot in the back and killed by Atlanta police Friday night, after someone complained he was sleeping in his car at a Wendy's drive-thru.

TMZ obtained video of what went down around 10:30 PM ... cops got a call that the car in which the man was sleeping was blocking other cars in line. The other customers could still pick up their food ... they just had to go around him to the window.

According to the police report, 2 officers tried placing Rayshard Brooks under arrest -- after they say he failed field sobriety testing. In the video, you can see the officers wrestling with Rayshard on the ground for nearly 30 seconds.

All he wanted was a Frosty...
So the article, other than the headline, says nothing about him being shot in the back. Video doesnt show him being shot either. If it comes out that he wasnt shot in the back TMZ should be burned to the ground with all its liberal shit bag employees inside.

Eta- nvm, just reread and its mentioned in the article
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This seems a simple PSGWSP case. He was being arrested. He was resisting. Was he drunk? High? He failed a field sobriety test.

Here’s a hint, stop doing stupid crap if you don’t want to interact with cops. If you’re being arrested, don’t resist, it will go bad. I can’t stand Police brutality as much as the next guy. No knock raids, crooked cops, etc. Until more facts come out, I’m not getting “outraged”. In fact, I’m sick of outrage culture.
I can't comment on the actual shooting since the person taking the video missed it entirely. Those cops need to seriously learn how to subdue someone, though. How freakin' hard is it to tie someone up and hold them down, especially when it's two on one?

I love how right after the shooting the girl in the car complains, "hey man, we got kids!" Then you should have driven your kids the hell out of dodge when they started fighting. Don't blame the people fighting - you put your own kids in harm's way by not leaving. Instead, you chose to laugh and take video, so suck it up, buttercup.

The guy was punching the cops in the face, and some jerkwad in the second video keeps exclaiming, "the pigs shot this guy for NO REASON!!!" Ass.
This seems a simple PSGWSP case. He was being arrested. He was resisting. Was he drunk? High? He failed a field sobriety test.

Here’s a hint, stop doing stupid crap if you don’t want to interact with cops. If you’re being arrested, don’t resist, it will go bad.
I can’t stand Police brutality as much as the next guy. No knock raids, crooked cops, etc. Until more facts come out, I’m not getting “outraged”. In fact, I’m sick of outrage culture.

As a cop I can’t disagree more with the bolded part.
Yes we’re all sick of the outrage and cancel culture, it’s retarded liberal tantrums.

But where your thoughts have the opposite affect is here;
considering if this whole story is true, he was unarmed, drunk/high and resisting, how does that justify any semblance of deadly force to take him into custody? And should all of us that get a good buzz on this weekend be subjected to being shot for it if we stumble outside in our drunken state to pee on a tree? Those are PSGWSP instances.

Drunk people are impossible to reason with. You can’t talk them down, you can’t make any sense to them and a high percentage of time they’ll get violent at some point because they’re drunk, they don’t know WTH they’re doing, and a lot of them would profusely apologize the next day if they’re still alive to do so. a**h***s? Maybe. But if being an a**h*** were a death sentence NES would be a ghost town, myself included

But again, when you see so many folks being killed who are unarmed and just basically resisting with some physical violence (no weapons) to get away, and it happens over and over, the next 10 people who get stopped are already thinking “Oh f***, I’m drunk AF (or high) and have a pouch of weed on me, these MF’s are gonna kill me tonight.”

People are legit thinking these days that they have a 50/50 chance of surviving a police encounter for even misdemeanor traffic offenses, I’d run or fight to if it was me, just simple survival instincts kicking in, and I’m a pasty white guy.

It’s instantaneous fight or flight and being reinforced 24/7 into everybody by the media machine AND the rogue cops that’re actually doing it, whether it’s true or not, highly inflated or not, this is what people are starting to think everyday now and they’re legit scared.

I’m not excusing criminal behavior, and I’m not painting all cops with a death brush, I know that’s BS because I know a lot of outstanding cops who would risk life and limb for strangers in trouble, but other folks don’t, and all they hear and see is murder squads looking for pot smokers to waste and it triggers their survival instincts.
Would have been a lot easier for police departments to clean their ranks years ago, now this is what you get.

Expect a lot more stories like this, they will milk it all the way.

I get it not every cop is a moron or an a**hole, but looks like the good ones need to step up and clean their departments.
Those cops need to seriously learn how to subdue someone, though. How freakin' hard is it to tie someone up and hold them down, especially when it's two on one?

I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but it’s a lot harder than it looks. Seriously. I’m no slouch when it comes to fighting and I’ve needed all the help I could get before trying to get 16yr old girls into cuffs. It’s not like you can just punch the crap out of them into unconsciousness to get cuffs on.

You’re trying to do it with the least amount of force possible. Trying to do it without breaking any of their limbs, which is fairly easy to do if you go too hard on them, trying to do it while being filmed by 10 people standing around you in a circle screaming at you, and worrying if you’re going to get kicked in the face or stabbed in the back and they are using every bit of strength that they have against you.

It would be a lot easier to get them cuffed IF it’s just a downright beat down because you’re actually afraid for your life for whatever reason, but that’s a lot less common than a typical arrest where the suspect is just resisting physically and not violently.

I think anybody thats ever been a cop, or a medical type job where you have to subdue patients or juvi’s with the least amount of force and trying not to bruise them up too bad will tell you it can be a real MF, it’s not like tv, not even close.
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but it’s a lot harder than it looks. Seriously. I’m no slouch when it comes to fighting and I’ve needed all the help I could get before trying to get 16yr old girls into cuffs. It’s not like you can just punch the crap out of them into unconsciousness to get cuffs on.

You’re trying to do it with the least amount of force possible. Trying to do it without breaking any of their limbs, which is fairly easy to do if you go too hard on them, trying to do it while being filmed by 10 people standing around you in a circle screaming at you, and worrying if you’re going to get kicked in the face or stabbed in the back and they are using every bit of strength that they have against you.

It would be a lot easier to get them cuffed IF it’s just a downright beat down because you’re actually afraid for your life for whatever reason, but that’s a lot less common than a typical arrest where the suspect is just resisting physically and not violently.

I think anybody thats ever been a cop, or a medical type job where you have to subdue patients or juvi’s with the least amount of force and trying not to bruise them up too bad will tell you it can be a real MF, it’s not like tv, not even close.

Worst fight I ever had was a 55 year old bricklayer that was 150 wet and was like fighting a piece of iron.
Not that it matters. Half the country won't trust the coverage, the other half won't trust the "official" report.

Even when the video is clear, it's hard to judge. And I'm sensitive to how hard it is to deal with a drunk-ass deadweight getting all upset. But at the end of the day, it's yet another police interaction resulting in death, and that's a big big problem at any time. Especially right now.
You’re trying to do it with the least amount of force possible. Trying to do it without breaking any of their limbs, which is fairly easy to do if you go too hard on them, trying to do it while being filmed by 10 people standing around you in a circle screaming at you, and worrying if you’re going to get kicked in the face or stabbed in the back and they are using every bit of strength that they have against you.
With the way things are going now it would probably be better to use whatever force is necessary even if it causes them physical harm rather than end up shooting them. Either way there will be the group that claims excessive force but at least they can't say you killed them. Although they'll still probably riot because the "man" is keeping them down. Good luck out there!
As a cop I can’t disagree more with the bolded part.
Yes we’re all sick of the outrage and cancel culture, it’s retarded liberal tantrums.

But where your thoughts have the opposite affect is here;
considering if this whole story is true, he was unarmed, drunk/high and resisting, how does that justify any semblance of deadly force to take him into custody? And should all of us that get a good buzz on this weekend be subjected to being shot for it if we stumble outside in our drunken state to pee on a tree? Those are PSGWSP instances.

Drunk people are impossible to reason with. You can’t talk them down, you can’t make any sense to them and a high percentage of time they’ll get violent at some point because they’re drunk, they don’t know WTH they’re doing, and a lot of them would profusely apologize the next day if they’re still alive to do so. a**h***s? Maybe. But if being an a**h*** were a death sentence NES would be a ghost town, myself included

But again, when you see so many folks being killed who are unarmed and just basically resisting with some physical violence (no weapons) to get away, and it happens over and over, the next 10 people who get stopped are already thinking “Oh f***, I’m drunk AF (or high) and have a pouch of weed on me, these MF’s are gonna kill me tonight.”

People are legit thinking these days that they have a 50/50 chance of surviving a police encounter for even misdemeanor traffic offenses, I’d run or fight to if it was me, just simple survival instincts kicking in, and I’m a pasty white guy.

It’s instantaneous fight or flight and being reinforced 24/7 into everybody by the media machine AND the rogue cops that’re actually doing it, whether it’s true or not, highly inflated or not, this is what people are starting to think everyday now and they’re legit scared.

I’m not excusing criminal behavior, and I’m not painting all cops with a death brush, I know that’s BS because I know a lot of outstanding cops who would risk life and limb for strangers in trouble, but other folks don’t, and all they hear and see is murder squads looking for pot smokers to waste and it triggers their survival instincts.
I agree. I am not excusing his criminal behavior either. And he was running away. Remember a few years ago a guy was running a way in either North or South Caroline and the cop put 7 round in his back? I do not see how this deadly force can be acceptable. You already got your a$$ kicked. Just pick him ups later....
I've always trained people like this in terms of use of force:

Violence is like a fire. There is a point at which the proper amount of force applied at the critical moment will resolve the incident (if it requires force). If you wait too long, the fire becomes uncontrollable, and normal interventions are now out of reach. So... timing is everything. Let it spiral out of control, and you very likely end up with the 'fire department'... get it? You had to fire?
Cops get any sort of martial arts training after the academy or is it up to each individual to seek it out on his own? No shortage of vids with 1...2...3+ cops who cant get a handle on someone. I know it's a one sided thing where you're trying to not hurt him and he doesnt have to play by those rules, just seems if guys were trained to get a hold of and subdue people better you could avoid having it escalate as it often does. (Armchair non-LEO here, if it wasnt already obvious)
Cops get any sort of martial arts training after the academy or is it up to each individual to seek it out on his own? No shortage of vids with 1...2...3+ cops who cant get a handle on someone. I know it's a one sided thing where you're trying to not hurt him and he doesnt have to play by those rules, just seems if guys were trained to get a hold of and subdue people better you could avoid having it escalate as it often does. (Armchair non-LEO here, if it wasnt already obvious)

Basic baton and handcuffing every year. That's it on my dept. The academies are starting to wake up and rolling some BJJ into more curriculum. I've trained on the ground, and it's absolutely essential to do it, WITH all your gear on (which SUCKS), and a guy trying to get your gun.
Just pick him ups later....

For the life of me, I don't see why this isn't the preferred technique (other than the current culture of dominance and "control"). These recent victims aren't saints, but they're not Hannibal Lecter either. Nobody needs you to get them RIGHT NOW, at all costs. Because lately, it's costing all.
The "official" GBI article says " It has also been reported that the male subject was shot by an officer in the struggle over the Taser. "

It seems someone spoke with forked tongue and is now being contradicted by the video. Not good.
For the life of me, I don't see why this isn't the preferred technique (other than the current culture of dominance and "control"). These recent victims aren't saints, but they're not Hannibal Lecter either. Nobody needs you to get them RIGHT NOW, at all costs. Because lately, it's costing all.

Just curious... at which point 'later' is a violent dude planning to be compliant to get picked up? We can't win.... try to get a bad guy in street? Get him later.... kick his door in? wHy dIdNt yOU gEt hIM whEn HE LeaVeS
I agree. I am not excusing his criminal behavior either. And he was running away. Remember a few years ago a guy was running a way in either North or South Caroline and the cop put 7 round in his back? I do not see how this deadly force can be acceptable. You already got your a$$ kicked. Just pick him ups later....

Running away, shot in the back was South Carolina.
North Carolina had the guy in Charlotte that police claimed had a gun, family claimed it was a book. Regardless, OC is leagal in NC and even according to the police statement on his actions he wasn't breaking any laws.
I worked with a fellow who was an LEO in Charlotte at the time, knew and worked with the officers involved in the shooting. His opinion of the situation was, "They sraight up murdered that guy"
Just curious... at which point 'later' is a violent dude planning to be compliant to get picked up? We can't win.... try to get a bad guy in street? Get him later.... kick his door in? wHy dIdNt yOU gEt hIM whEn HE LeaVeS

Rather than kill him?

I'd expect LE to do almost anything to avoid that, quite frankly.
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