Atlas Bipods - Any Experience?


NES Member
Dec 14, 2018
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Hi all - I'm looking at bipods for an AR-10 with the MLOK system, and stumbled across Atlas made by B&T Industries LLC. The reviews I've read online are generally positive, but there are some negative reviews primarily related to quality and longevity. I have a Harris on my X-Bolt that has been great, but the Atlas PSR seems to have more flexibility.

This is primarily a range toy, so I am not hunting with it (that's what the X-Bolt is for) or doing any competitive shooting (for now, anyways). I'm looking for something with extendable legs, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-13". Most of the shooting will be bench shooting out to a maximum of 200 yards. I do like that the PSR can collapse both forward and rear, but I'm curious if that makes for the most stable platform.

I'm curious if anyone here has had experience with them, and if they're worth the premium over other brands, including Harris. Both positive and negative experiences are greatly appreciated. Finally, I'm not beholden to Atlas or Harris, so recommendations for other manufacturers are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

No right answer here. I’ve gone full circle: Harris to Atlas to leaning to love the rucksack for prone support (kept a Harris as backup).

For a railed AR, Atlas looks best (and looks should be your #1 concern for a “range toy” am I right?). No really, the PSR folding backward makes a more compact presentation provided you still have enough space to hold the hand guard. The anti-rotating legs and anti-cant features are really nice. More travel than the Harris, which I liked for more upright shooting off a table. The “novel” 45-degree offset legs is a gimmick. When would that ever help you in the real world? I only see it used for posing on forums.

The Harris adds width to your rig. You have to spend money for the PodLoc to make it anti-cant. Add to that a quality QD attachment (eg Larue) for rails and it becomes close to Atlas money. For action shooting the legs are more prone to collapsing if you bump it into an object from the rear. Harris belongs on stocked bolt guns IMO.

Both are good at what they do and worth the price over knockoffs. Go with the Atlas. It’s really well made, good support, and It holds its value should you move on to something else (as I did).
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Hi all - I'm looking at bipods for an AR-10 with the MLOK system, and stumbled across Atlas made by B&T Industries LLC. The reviews I've read online are generally positive, but there are some negative reviews primarily related to quality and longevity. I have a Harris on my X-Bolt that has been great, but the Atlas PSR seems to have more flexibility.

This is primarily a range toy, so I am not hunting with it (that's what the X-Bolt is for) or doing any competitive shooting (for now, anyways). I'm looking for something with extendable legs, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-13". Most of the shooting will be bench shooting out to a maximum of 200 yards. I do like that the PSR can collapse both forward and rear, but I'm curious if that makes for the most stable platform.

I'm curious if anyone here has had experience with them, and if they're worth the premium over other brands, including Harris. Both positive and negative experiences are greatly appreciated. Finally, I'm not beholden to Atlas or Harris, so recommendations for other manufacturers are welcome.

Thanks in advance,


I have an Atlas on my Fix and I love it.
I've used Harris with my AR shooting off the ground out to six hundred yards without problem. I've used it with .308 bolt gun to shoot 1/2 moa group at 300 yards and targets over 800. You won't NEED Atlas for 200 range toy.

That said the Atlas feels a little more solid

Guys I know that can outshoot me could outshoot me with either Harris or Atlas but most of the run Atlas.

Personally I found other things to spend the $$ on ( mostly ammo) that I felt would improve my shooting. But if I was flush with cash I'd do Atlas.
I’ve never heard of Atlas.
So I looked them up. Just got
a few chests pains! Holy
cow! Those suckers aren’t
cheap! I hope they’re built
accordingly. I’m going to
keep an eye out for one so I
can take a look. For that money
they must be top notch.
Looks like I'm a little late to the party, but another +1 for Atlas. I have the Atlas with the quick disconnect so I can use it on multiple rifles.

Quick follow-up question (thanks for all the feedback) - how are people connecting this to an M-LOK (Aero Precision M5) handguard? Any experience with the Kinetic mounts?
i have the atlas on an ADM mount. for a picatinny based bipod i don't think one can do any better. pricy but if you wait for a sale then definitely worth it. SWFA is running a 10% right now they may sell the atlas.
So...bumping this because I’m getting to a decision making point and am curious if the PSR BT46-LW17 is really worth $100 more than the BT-10? Again, it‘s a range tOT, but a .308 and don’t know if that makes any sort of difference. I may also pick up a 6.5CM upper just for variety if that makes any difference.
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All their models are nice. the features of BT47 are pretty minuscule like no rotating legs. you are overthinking it. the most important specs are weight and nature of the mount. I’m running a BT10 with the lever ADM mount. Shop around you can find some deals or a coupon code/sale. this is my model I would go with this unless you for some reason need thee xtra heavy duty models. If you shoot from prone position you will love the atlas bipod. There’s a reason you never see these on used market.

this model is 12.7 oz but I can pop it off anytime I like
the fixed non-lever model is 11 oz which to me is no brainer less than 2 oz more to have QD
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I only use Atlas bipods after trying one, i have two of them on long range guns. They both have American Defense QD attachment to pic rail.
So...bumping this because I’m getting to a decision making point and am curious if the PSR BT46-LW17 is really worth $100 more than the BT-10? Again, it‘s a range two, but a .308 and don’t know if that makes any sort of difference. I may also pick up a 6.5CM upper just for variety if that makes any difference.
I think it is worth the extra money. But YMMV, they are both awesome. But the BT46-LW17 comes with the QD attachment, and the legs dont rotate. It is also has front/rear limiters and is stronger. I think the difference between the bt10 and the bt46 both with the QD mounts is $40.
I think it is worth the extra money. But YMMV, they are both awesome. But the BT46-LW17 comes with the QD attachment, and the legs dont rotate. It is also has front/rear limiters and is stronger. I think the difference between the bt10 and the bt46 both with the QD mounts is $40.

I picked up a 4” Picatinny rail for my M-LOK hand guard, and doubt that this will be taken on and off. Is the QD worth it? Is it one of those “rather have and not need than need and not have” type of things?
I picked up a 4” Picatinny rail for my M-LOK hand guard, and doubt that this will be taken on and off. Is the QD worth it? Is it one of those “rather have and not need than need and not have” type of things?
Preference I think. I move one around between a 308 long range AR and a 300 Blackout rifle so the QD mount works well. The one on my precision rifle won't get removed unless I need to for maintenance, but still nice to be able to do that in 4 seconds.
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