Auburn Sportsmans Club

ASC is now on Instagram.

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This coming Wednesday night.
Open to the public.
First come, first serve, limited to hall capacity (100).



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From newsletter: "5/25 Military Shoot"

Any info on this @Coyote33

Further down the newsletter, under Rifle/Pistol:
"The second one will be on May 25th for a military shoot being put on by Ron K.. For more info on this, keep a lookout for fliers posted at the ranges and at the bar. I urge anyone who has military long guns to come down and have some fun. Registration/practice is from 8:30 to 9:00. the entry fee will be five bucks per class, bolt action and or semi-auto."
Meeting tonight at 7:00. Come on out, and find out what's going on at the club, and participate in running it. We NEED people to step up and help. Lots of opportunity to help shape the growth of the club.
The August Women's Training/Education event has been cancelled.

Horseshoe tournament tomorrow at noon.

Family Day on August 10th.
Still a wait for membership? I let mine lapse a couple years ago, but i'm so close it makes sense to join up again.
No wait, but some of the procedures have changed. You now need to take an orientation, to make sure all range rules and other things are properly explained. There is also a "work-off" criteria for new members.
09/15/19 – Archery Work Party, 9:00 - 1:00
09/16/19 – NOMINATIONS at 7:00 PM
09/22/19 – Big MOE 9:00 - 4:00 at Hamilton Rod & Gun in Sturbridge
09/24/19 – Last Tuesday trap shoot of the Fall season
09/29/19 – Trout Stocking at noon, bring the kids!
10/04/19 – First Meat Raffle of the Fall season. 7:00 PM, Early Bird at 6:00 PM
10/05/19 – Fly Derby, 7:00-11:00
10/06/19 – Open Derby, 7:00-11:00
10/21/19 – ELECTIONS

Listen, if you are a member, we could really use some help on the board. Whether you choose one of the open chairman positions, or go as a "director at large", your opinion counts, and your help is appreciated. Now is a great time to get some more NES folks involved in the workings of the club, and you can help contribute and steer the direction of the club.

Nominations are tonight at the general meeting.

PLEASE step forward for a position. If you are willing to help, your help is wanted. Even if you just want to come on board as a "director at large" for the time being, we could use the help.
Our club is in the beginning stages of planning a day for our Junior members (age 12-17), and their friend. This will be a free event. The day will consist of range time(long guns), knife and hawk, and a fishing derby with prizes throughout the day. We are hoping to have this in late April/early May, but we need some junior members to help plan the day. We are encouraging you to bring your friends for a day of sportsman’s activities. Burgers and dogs will be served for lunch. I would like to have a meeting with the committee chairs, volunteers and any junior members that would like to help plan this event. The 1st planning meeting will be 2/13 at 6:30 pm in the hall. If you cant make the meeting but want to be a part of this day please call the club at 508-832-6492 and leave your name and phone number at the club and we will reach out to you.

Has anyone else done anything like this at other clubs? Have any pointers to share? I like to think of this like the "Big MOE" the state puts on in Sturbridge, but smaller, kind of a "Mini-MOE".

Upcoming Events
  • 02/08/20 - Ducks Unlimited Annual Dinner @ Val's in Holden 6:00
  • 02/13/20 - Planning meeting for ASC Juniors Day 6:30 PM
  • 02/16/20 - Bill Bjork Ice Fishing Derby (Tentative)
  • 02/18/20 - Field House Renovations/Contractors' Meeting 6:00 PM
  • 04/13/20 - Applications due for Junior Conservation Camp
  • 04/18/20 - Sportsman's Flea Market / Pancake Breakfast
Wrentham has a "family day".. fishing, range time, archery, burgers/dogs.. raffles... it's pretty small, but seems to get a good turnout.. This year, ours is on 6/6.
Well, it's been a quiet time.

However, has anybody seen the new pistol "building" (roof) and range that are coming along?

Anybody hitting the range today or this weekend?
**Nominations’ Message**

Your Club Needs YOU!!

At the monthly meeting, September 21st, we will hold nominations. Brenda has indicated she will not be running again, therefore President will be open following her departure. As always, we anticipate some of our Chairmen/women will not be able to continue serving this upcoming year, therefore, please attend the meeting and get involved. If you are interested in a position, please review our By-Laws to ensure you are eligible to fill that position and please notify me prior to the September meeting. If you are seeking to be nominated, you must be in attendance at the meeting or if you are unable to attend, you must make nomination arrangements with me prior.

Also, we will be meeting in compliance with Covid restrictions and masks must be worn at all times.

Please send me an email at

P.S. Renewals need to be in By 9/30!!!! Club is open Thursday - Sunday from 1:00 - 6:00
02/21/21 - Bill Bjork Annual Ice Fishing Derby IS ON !!!!
7:00 AM - 11:00 AM (signups at 6:00)

The club will be having the Bill Bjork Annual Ice Fishing Derby. The derby will be on Feb 21st 7:00 am-11:00 am. Coffee, hot cocoa and pastries will be available. Fireplace in the hall for warm ups will be going. Pond was stocked on Feb 11th and will remain closed until the derby. Covid19 guidelines will be followed. This is a member event and any guests must be accompanied by a member.

Instagram @auburnsportsmansclub
Facebook ASC1932
Once again, nominations and elections are coming up.

Not really any shooting events, other than WOT and 1st Shots. Would love to see some instructional stuff and training.

The "Board of Directors" drives this stuff, and elections are coming up. Please step up and help your club and community!

Tell them Doug sent you!
Saturday 10/2 firearms safety course at the Auburn Sportsmans Club. Sponsored by Sen. Michael Moore. This is a free event!! 10 spots open. Please email if you are interested in attending. All ranges will be closed during this event, they will reopen at 5pm.
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