Awesome match at Manville in the rain today.


NES Member
Apr 12, 2006
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I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to put on the last match of the year at Manville today. It was AWESOME! And, 5 stages instead of the normal 4, doesn't get much better than that. Normally I'm not a big fan of shooting in the rain because I'm somewhat of a wimp and I wouldn't want to get my relatively new Limited gun wet. But since I decided to dig my Glock out of the back of the safe and shooot it in Production class I was actually looking forward to some bad weather to "enhance" the experience. Mother nature did not dissapoint. With near 60 degree temperatures, I didn't care how hard it rained (and it did rain hard at times). I know it would have been easy to bail out with bad weather being forcast, but I'm glad everyone hung in there and I hope you all had as much fun as I did.

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