b vewy vewy quiet, theres a rabbit in here. lol

Oct 10, 2007
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im goin rabbit hunting this saturday, anyone have ideas for recipies?

ive never even eaten rabbit but heard its good, and i found a sweeeeet spot for them while deer hunting, its a apple oarchard with thorn bushes EVERYWHERE.
Ask Dreppucci, I think he has some very special recipes for rabbit. [rofl] [laugh2] [devil]
Ask Dreppucci, I think he has some very special recipes for rabbit. [rofl] [laugh2] [devil]
Len... BAD mod; no biscuit!!
The simple thing to remember is anything you can do with chicken, you can do with bunnies. They butcher out pretty much the same.
I've never been rabbit hunting and would love to go. Are there any areas on the North Shore that are good for rabbit hunting?

I've heard it's a lot like partridge hunting: you walk, and they flush and you take them on the run. Tell me more!
Mmmm, hassenpfeffer.

Rabbit is a lot like chicken, mild and not as much meat as chicken but very tasty if not overcooked.

My beagle was abandoned after failing to make the grade as a hunting dog but over the past 5 years has brought me a few rabbits, I also bought some in stores (but the farm raised store stuff isn't as good): rabbit casseroles are my favorite way of preparing rabbit and hassenpfeffer is the old traditional way (just ask Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck).

This recipe I found online seems close to how I have prepared rabbit in the past, but any recipe where you quarter the rabbit, brown in flour/oil then casserole in a dutch oven with a tasty sauce and veggies will be good:

good stuff dude, its alot like chicken and you can pretty much do anything you could do with chicken with rabbit. btw what shotgun setup are you using to nail them?
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