Bad shoot?

Any defense of this shoot is ridiculous.

He cleared the building and immediately obtained a sight picture and fired before any sort of threat assessment could be done.

But, even if you give him the benefit of the doubt for his first shots, he then fires more rounds while the guy clearly has his hands in the air.

To say everybody assessing this shoot and wanting justice is anti-cop is preposterous. And the people saying so is everything that’s wrong with law enforcement. Trying to defend your brothers even when they’ve done terrible shit. Police need to be held to a higher standard, not a lower one. And that starts with the good police calling out the bad ones for their unlawful and immoral actions, and demanding justice.
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This is a cringe-worthy event. I am big on behavior dictating response....dude was fleeing (or so he looks to be). Then was shot at a distance where I did not see any threat...maybe the officer "perceived" one based an an act unseen by the camera. Still, I do not like it one bit. Then he gives verbal commands to a kid..clearly in pain...and still trying to keep his EMPTY hands elevated. The second volley of shots is asinine and indefensible.

It is the public's right, duty really, to criticize and scrutinize these incidents. ESPECIALLY ones like this that don't pass the sniff test. MMQB all you want.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't police supposed to go into any situation that a weapon may be present, yet they don't go into every situation with a gun in hand? That tells me cop thought this suspect was a threat before he even got a visual on him and he never stopped to consider whether the sister was fabricating the story because when you call police on someone and say "He's got a gun and wants to kill cops!" that may as well be giving a cop a few bumps of coke to overreact.

Distance of, marksmanship, and justification of the initial shots was terrible and shit that should get a cop on an unpaid suspension, especially one who is in his fifth shooting. Could the officer see a weapon at that distance or even something that resembled one? From what I saw, I saw no reason to point or shoot the guy at 50 yards.

Now, as the suspect is complying and kneeling and dropping his hands, that's the tough call to make, but if shooting a suspect every time they drop their hands is justified, we're gonna have a lot more dead people killed by police who aren't threats to them.

I the least, I say this guy shouldn't be a cop. With an 80% kill rate he should join the ATF or Hostage Rescue.
Well at least he didn't shot the guys dog! But 4 out of 5....I say the cop is guilty until proven innocent! Walking hard on with a badge to kill. Like already mentioned....the folks up the food chain are more at fault.....after all he's just the a beat grunt and not a desk jockey.
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