battle belts?

Gear threads on NES never go well.

Let people post up their stuff without the arrogant douche bag comments and see what happens.

Maybe we can learn from each other. Not everybody here is an operator, not everybody here has served in combat.

If people here are trying to learn, then maybe you should help them out.

Instead of being douchebags.
Do they make backpedal belts? I kid... I kid....

Apology accepted.

:). Welcome to the thread.

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They must or Jay Carney's pants would have fallen down a long time ago...

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Gear threads on NES never go well.

Let people post up their stuff without the arrogant douche bag comments and see what happens.
Um where's the fun in that? [laugh]
Sorry man but FOBBIT was meant in jest. ROTC? good god no. The thread was both excellent and ridiculous. Hey at least you didnt get called a douche, high brow vet, something about sucking off a SPC, and 10% discount at HD among others. As far as kit goes tho, I used a Voodoo Tactical PC. Very well built, super adjustable, and molle everywhere. The only issue was the side SAPIs wouldnt fit into the pockets (plates were too big) but they did fasten to the sides with molle loops. It had the snot beaten out of it and still is in great shape. Enlisted guys making fun of each other has been going on since caveman days, first you get it, then you give it. Its like a sport. ROTC death machine was excellent BTW

its all good man, you wouldn't be a normal NES'r without a ceremonial newb pissing match. most of us try not to take ourselves too seriously, clearly even less so when we are in the battle belt thread. haha.

i havent sized a PC but i am under the impression that you buy size the PC according to the size plates you have. for instance my PC is a small because i have small plates. Im 6' 205lbs, i don't think i have EVER been a small anything. but the PC fits excellently with adjustment and the plates are right where they should be. You don't use one of these war/battle belts? i honestly thought they were completely homo when i first saw them, but they can actually be really good for shooting classes or run and gun, or just bobbing around on the FOB, when you have no need to wear a armored up plate carrier. I think they call it "first line".

Like i said it rules for shooting matches, i don't want to be weighed down by my vest when all I'm doing is shooting 1, maybe two rifle mags and a mag or two of pistol in a 2/3 gun shoot, so i usually rock the belt. I also like it because it takes some weight off my PC and puts it down on my hips. All i have on my PC is 3 rifle mags, a multitool, and a hydration bladder, its definitely more comfortable than lugging 6-8 mags on your chest. Another reasoning for having it if we were to experience an extended "WROL situation" the belt will be on you at all times. On the belt you have the bare bones basics you need without being too encumbered to do daily tasks, if shit gets real, you can always armor up with the PC.
This is just my opinion here........ I gave the tactical leg rig for my 9mm a shot, it was a bummer getting in and out of vehicles, always was getting snagged on things, fences, trees, etc. Quite frustrating for me. I ended up using a plastic holster that wove into the molle on my PC, and had decent retention, but I always used 550 cord and a small snap ring to keep it nearby if it fell out. I didnt keep anything on my belt at all, field expedient pooping being the reason there. My PC was a large, and you are right the PC gets sized to the plates. My PC did have the ability to use soft armor inserts, but I didnt bother, again for weight issues. At 6'2", 205, sorry dude but you arent a small, but if your vitals are covered thats all that counts. Chest rig attached to my PC had 2 dump pouches either side, and mag holders for 12 mags. IFAK on the side, IR beacon on the shoulder, and commo and camelbak on the rear of it. If it was me, Id wear all your kit when you shoot (if feasible), muscle memory in a stressful situation is what gets you thru. Its setup the same way now minus the govt issue stuff, and sits ready to go if needed. I was able to appropriate my ceramic plates, so I havnt looked to see whats out there? What kind do you have and what are they rated at?
So I figured out that the only way to draw a long sword that is mounted on the back is to tie it only at the too with zip ties and to have the angle of it opposite the hand you're using to draw it with. So the sword hilt needs to be over your left shoulder to draw with your right hand. Not that anyone is going to try or care lol. Just figured I'd share.
This is just my opinion here........ I gave the tactical leg rig for my 9mm a shot, it was a bummer getting in and out of vehicles, always was getting snagged on things, fences, trees, etc. Quite frustrating for me. I ended up using a plastic holster that wove into the molle on my PC, and had decent retention, but I always used 550 cord and a small snap ring to keep it nearby if it fell out. I didnt keep anything on my belt at all, field expedient pooping being the reason there. My PC was a large, and you are right the PC gets sized to the plates. My PC did have the ability to use soft armor inserts, but I didnt bother, again for weight issues. At 6'2", 205, sorry dude but you arent a small, but if your vitals are covered thats all that counts. Chest rig attached to my PC had 2 dump pouches either side, and mag holders for 12 mags. IFAK on the side, IR beacon on the shoulder, and commo and camelbak on the rear of it. If it was me, Id wear all your kit when you shoot (if feasible), muscle memory in a stressful situation is what gets you thru. Its setup the same way now minus the govt issue stuff, and sits ready to go if needed. I was able to appropriate my ceramic plates, so I havnt looked to see whats out there? What kind do you have and what are they rated at?

i too tried the leg rig, it slowed me down, pinched my thigh when i kneeled, and was a pain in vehicles. i switched to a g-code osh on my belt it works a lot better. I'm 6' not 6'2 but either way the vitals are covered. they are sapi plates i got used.
Snacks, one question. I recall seeing a video of you at your range. If iIirc, there was some gunning from the ground involved. How do you roll on the side and back to prone with all that stuff around your waist? I mean, i get that you have to keep all that combat-usefull stuff on you, but isn't it a little counter-productive to have it on a belt?
if it was me, and I absolutely agree that that's not the case, I'd keep a med kit, a pocket knife, a lighter and my com system off my rig and into my pockets (maybe you want to look into Brit style sniper smocks, wink wink), together with an emergency handgun mag. Remember: live out of your backpack, fight out of your rig, survive out of your pockets.
Snacks, one question. I recall seeing a video of you at your range. If iIirc, there was some gunning from the ground involved. How do you roll on the side and back to prone with all that stuff around your waist? I mean, i get that you have to keep all that combat-usefull stuff on you, but isn't it a little counter-productive to have it on a belt?
if it was me, and I absolutely agree that that's not the case, I'd keep a med kit, a pocket knife, a lighter and my com system off my rig and into my pockets (maybe you want to look into Brit style sniper smocks, wink wink), together with an emergency handgun mag. Remember: live out of your backpack, fight out of your rig, survive out of your pockets.

this one? god now everybody knows how bad i suck.

to be honest i need to do some ground shooting with the newest rendition of my setup, that was when i had the leg rig. when my burn heals up and deer season is over I'm going to be out on my range more, i will try it all out and let you know.

those smocks are handy looking, like we previously discussed awhile back, in a "shtf situation" I'm with you on the long range low profile warfare aspect, those cammmies must be perfect for making a ghillie. whats your experience with them? those damn brits always have it figured out right. kind of like this guy's rig?

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Those smocks are used by the Brits sine the Falkland days, but I wasn't allowed to wear one, as they didn't come in the French OD green, and in the 80ies, there was no way to get a thumbs up to buy some equipment of your own. Issued stuff only. I saw the Brits and some Canadians wear them during sniper contests and common war games, and I always was jealous of that fine piece of equipment. The Brits have some of the weirdest shooting positions I've ever seen, but they're awesome snipers with great, great training. The smock is set up so you don't need to wear a chest rig (keep in mind that you'll have to carry 50 rounds max on a good day). They kept garden shears and what not in some of the pockets (14 of them, IIRC). No Velcro, buttons only (noise), a removable liner M-65 style, and some of them were made of Barbour, which is, I think, some heavy wool that has been waxed, but I could be wrong on that one. Anyway, the whole idea was that the sniper could've been cut off from his ruck, and still have the basics on him to make it to the exfiltration rendez vous point. If I could afford one (I believe they run in the 350-500 dollar range), a British sniper smock would be my first choice for a SHTF jacket, without a doubt.
i just watched the second vid you posted. Although it's a tactical response vid, I must say that this guy absolutely knows what he's talking about. Probably an old beat up sniper just like me. I wouldn't do a thing different than what he does. Except I'd add a little water purification iodine or pills in on of the pockets, but that's about it. Good find.
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Those smocks are used by the Brits sine the Falkland days, but I wasn't allowed to wear one, as they didn't come in the French OD green, and in the 80ies, there was no way to get a thumbs up to buy some equipment of your own. Issued stuff only. I saw the Brits and some Canadians wear them during sniper contests and common war games, and I always was jealous of that fine piece of equipment. The Brits have some of the weirdest shooting positions I've ever seen, but they're awesome snipers with great, great training. The smock is set up so you don't need to wear a chest rig (keep in mind that you'll have to carry 50 rounds max on a good day). They kept garden shears and what not in some of the pockets (14 of them, IIRC). No Velcro, buttons only (noise), a removable liner M-65 style, and some of them were made of Barbour, which is, I think, some heavy wool that has been waxed, but I could be wrong on that one. Anyway, the whole idea was that the sniper could've been cut off from his ruck, and still have the basics on him to make it to the exfiltration rendez vous point. If I could afford one (I believe they run in the 350-500 dollar range), a British sniper smock would be my first choice for a SHTF jacket, without a doubt.

holy chit thats expensive. but definitely an excellent sniping setup. i watched a few videos of our guys making grilles, they use a flight suit, and sew/glue 550 in a grin along the back for adding natural veg, then they untwine burlap and add that to it. i wouldn't mind making one myself just for the sake of doing a project. who knows it could be useful someday, if you really need it, probably more useful than a battle belt.
I kept several ghillies (seasons and environment), some made with old camo netting and burlap, some made out of old trench coats, and for my winter set up, I just used one of these white overalls for painters (a little loud, but ok). If you go for it, use a steel brush on your burlap strips, and hot glue is your friend when it comes to attaching the. Cut a stripe of burlap, brush it until "bushy", and leave an inch or so unbrushed, to have an attachment point. Several different colors, and, sorry, but dirt is your friend. Get it as dirty as you can. Don't forget a set up for your boots. Black boots stick out like a sore thumb in the woods. Spray paint, or gators.
How many mags are you carrying total on your belt and plate carrier?

way too many in this vid, way too heavy. i was still figuring out what i needed here. now i have 3 on my belt and 3 on my vest +1 in the gun.

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See? This is much more fun than calling each other POGs!


we all get along haha. this thread is insane we cover so much haha

I kept several ghillies (seasons and environment), some made with old camo netting and burlap, some made out of old trench coats, and for my winter set up, I just used one of these white overalls for painters (a little loud, but ok). If you go for it, use a steel brush on your burlap strips, and hot glue is your friend when it comes to attaching the. Cut a stripe of burlap, brush it until "bushy", and leave an inch or so unbrushed, to have an attachment point. Several different colors, and, sorry, but dirt is your friend. Get it as dirty as you can. Don't forget a set up for your boots. Black boots stick out like a sore thumb in the woods. Spray paint, or gators.

do we need a ghillie thread??? i think so.
I don't really need a ghillie anymore. Nature disguised me as a fat old man on the outside. Nobody will ever mistake me for a sniper ever again[laugh2]
So I figured out that the only way to draw a long sword that is mounted on the back is to tie it only at the too with zip ties and to have the angle of it opposite the hand you're using to draw it with. So the sword hilt needs to be over your left shoulder to draw with your right hand. Not that anyone is going to try or care lol. Just figured I'd share.
But still........that sword looked friggin badass. Someone needs to come up with molle mount system for it! Your last line of defense CQB weapon samurai sword. I think everyone would take that over the knife on your kit, puts my Al Mar to shame!
I am going to go with the tomahawk, a la Mel Gibson in The Patriot. Potential use sort of goes right along with the movie line.

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Finally got to the box that some ninja shit in it.

Here is my belt. USGG Warhog (I think), pistol and rifle TACO's, Surefire G6, Maxpidition pouch (I think I want to look at the HSGI though), LFI Kydex, TDI knife.

No med pouch, it has been a long time since I have taken any kind of first responder training, so I don't think I should carry something I don't feel comfortable using.


I have a PC, but it is boring. It is just a tactical tan Shellback with a Blue Force Gear 10 Speed 3 Mag pouch and an Archer Damger Zone patch.

I'm sorry I missed the dick measuring contest. I gotta check back more frequently!

Ok, here's my problem. I have no hips. [hmmm] Even a high quality holster belt tends to slide down on me when weighted with stuff. So I'm pretty sure I'd have to do this:


Anyone else out there who is hipless that can offer advice on how well these belts stay up on skinny guys?
Start with the belt and add suspenders as needed. The weight tends to pull the rig down but if the rigger's belt is sized properly you wont have a problem. I've ordered a new belt that is smaller than my current belt to help it fit better with less fidgeting...
I'm sorry I missed the dick measuring contest. I gotta check back more frequently!

Ok, here's my problem. I have no hips. [hmmm] Even a high quality holster belt tends to slide down on me when weighted with stuff. So I'm pretty sure I'd have to do this:


Anyone else out there who is hipless that can offer advice on how well these belts stay up on skinny guys?

Yep, have the same prob with my comp belts. Was thinking of contractor suspenders like when I ran crews. Those look a lot more comfortable. Will do a google search unless people can recommend suspenders too.

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