Battle of the Hook - Korean War


NES Member
Apr 1, 2005
Norfolk County, Massachusetts
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I was at the range today and along about 3:30pm an older guy came to the range and we struck up a
conversation. I spent the next two and a half hours being mesmorized by his tales of his Korean War
experiences. He is a Marine, 80 plus years of age, and he fought in that battle, among others. I don't
know why he choose to share this with me, but I am extremely grateful he did.

I have read a few books on the Korean War and had never heard of the Battle of the Hook so when I got
home I googled it and it's a pretty fascinating story. He got injured by ChiCom artillery and got a few
disabilities, along with a significant loss of hearing from the round that injured him. Some of his stories
were told with great humor as well as great sadness. One in particular he told me: He was manning his
Browning MG and as he went to change belts two ChiCom jumped in his trench. Hand to hand combat
ensued where he took care of one, not wanting to shoot him with his .45 which was within reach "because
it would have made a mess of his position." LOL! So he disarmed him (the ChiCom was carrying a burp gun)
and as his position was on the edge of a steep hill behind him, he threw him down the hill. Another Marine
disarmed the other and threw him down the hill as well. Go figure!

I thanked him for his service and shook his hand. What a great gift I got talking to him. At that age hoping
I see him again is risky but he looked in pretty good shape. He volunteered to go to Korea to fight in the
war because his friends were there and he wanted to be by their side.

You would never know by looking at him that here was a man that gave all to his country, and did so
willingly. I felt really humbled to be in his presence.

Just wanted to share this, nothing more.

Here are a few links to the battle:
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