BCD 42 k98 returns home


NES Member
Oct 13, 2009
Methuen, MA
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Well was supposed to get a k98, till wife's transmission then turbo puked on plans and seller had a backup.

Put a itch in me to obtain one to go with my grandfather's cof 42 bayonet he got during battle of bulge.

Was talking to a friend about it, and he mentioned he has the one I sold him during the great sell off of 2016 on consignment at a place not far from him. So long story short credit card took a hit, to bring a jewel of former collection back home.

A hard to find 1942 example of a BCD k98 that's all matching vet bring back. Even still has markings white highlighted that I did, most people remove them with a lil wd40 and a tooth brush..

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Very nice.

For those not in the know, ‘42 was a low production year in the Germans had actually dialed down rifle production at the end of ‘41 thinking they had the war won. Then Moscow happened in December of ‘41. You can’t ramp up production overnight….
Finally back home.... but another dilemma arises... display was initially built for my 6 m1 planned collection... need to figure out how to redo racks to accommodate least 1 more rifle, my M1D.... @#$%
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