Beretta 9000s


NES Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Has anyone had a problem with there Beretta 9000s jamming? Mine is in pretty good condition but it seams that every 10-15 rounds it has a hipcup. I notice it more with Sellier & Bellot than Winchester target. I have made sure that it is clean, nodirt behind the extractor and just enough oil to keep my gun happy. Any input or ideas?
Totally off your topic, but . . .

I'm considering purchasing a 9000. What do you think of this weapon? How have your overall experiences been with it:
  • Reliability (sounds sketchy given the jamming issue)
    Recoil on the small gun
    Ergonomics (I have large hands), etc.?

I'm also looking at the pistol in .40 (don't know what you have). I'm considering between the Beretta, a Glock 27, and a Springfield XD40 sub-compact (if I can find one in the nanny-state).

I like the gun alot.

Recoil - fair

Accuracy - I do well with it

Reliability - Beside jamming issue great. I think it's just my extractor. I picked the gun up used, So i don't know it's history.

Ergonomics - I am 6' my gloves are ussualy L-XL. It use's a double stack mag so the gun must accomidate it.

Price - They are fair priced.

A friend of mine just put a new spring in it, the trigger was already good but now it's like butter.

I have not researched this fully but I was told that Beretta stopped producing theese about 6 months ago.

If your in the Bellingham or Attleborogh area your more then welcome go with me to the range and give it a try.
And the S&B was more than likely brass cased. I don't remember ever seeing any that was steel. I have noticed that it doesn't run through the Glock as nice as my handloads, using Remington 115 JHP's.

Just what kind of jam are you getting? Is it "stovepiping"?
Nickle said:
Just what kind of jam are you getting? Is it "stovepiping"?

It does not fully pull out the spent round and tries to load the next. The spent one ussualy falls right out when I take out the mag
I have 4 mags and it will do it on any one of them. Could be the extractor, maybe the Winchester ammo is slightly differnt and the extractor likes it more then S&B
Perhaps mfg tolerances?

Try to mic the S&B and Win (new) and see what differences exist in length of case, dia of base, dia of case at mouth, thickness of base lip.
Well here is what I came up with.

Most of the dimensions are within 2-3 thousands of an inch (.002-.003). But the one that I see that would have the most affect on the actual extraction of the bullet has a difference of about 6 thousands of an inch. .337 vs. .343 That may not seem much to most people, but in my field the average tolerance of a dimension for a part we would make is 5 thousands of an inch (.005).

Also notice that there is a chamfer on the S&B case. I don't think this matter's much for this application, but as an engineer looking at this without actually testing it, I would think that the material loses some of it's strength.

All this information written is best to my knowledge. I am not a expert in ammunition nor do I claim to be. I measured these the best I could. These drawings are not intended to be used to make alter or copy ammo. This was strictly armature research. I did not pick "favorites".

That makes it a LOT easier to figure out. I recommend you stop using the S&B ammo in that gun. The extractor groove area is quite a bit different from each other. Enough to make a difference extracting, I can assure you that. If the Winchester ammo works well enough, I'd stick with it. They make a majority of the 9mm for the military, and it works.
It would seem to me that the S&B having a squared off body with a shollower groove could cause a weak extractor spring to never engage the rim and 'slip' over it.

Pretty cool. I even understood you as an advertising/web guy.

Hey, BTW - thanks for the invite to shoot the 9000. I'm out here in W. MA though. One of the local gun stores has one that I may be able to talk into letting me shoot at their indoor range.
TonyD said:
It would seem to me that the S&B having a squared off body with a shollower groove could cause a weak extractor spring to never engage the rim and 'slip' over it.

Yup, that was my uptake as well. Good thing I prefer military brass, and US military at that.

A thick extractor would make it even worse. The S&B brass doesn't leave much room for tolerances on the handgun.
Thor67 said:

Pretty cool. I even understood you as an advertising/web guy.

Hey, BTW - thanks for the invite to shoot the 9000. I'm out here in W. MA though. One of the local gun stores has one that I may be able to talk into letting me shoot at their indoor range.

No Problem, glad to help you, plus made me finally get off my ass to research my own problem.
Oh, for the record, though I'm not a huge fan of Beretta's, I actually do think they're excellent firearms. I'd buy one with NO regrets. I just happen to prefer stuff that's not Mass Compliant.
Nickle said:
Oh, for the record, though I'm not a huge fan of Beretta's, I actually do think they're excellent firearms. I'd buy one with NO regrets. I just happen to prefer stuff that's not Mass Compliant.

I hate to be an a**h*** but please tell me you would rather have a 9000s over a Davis p-380
WOW! I'm glad that I suggested this tactic.

The dimensional differences are all over the place. I agree, I'd stick with the US "standard" mfrs.
Moderator said:
Nickle said:
Oh, for the record, though I'm not a huge fan of Beretta's, I actually do think they're excellent firearms. I'd buy one with NO regrets. I just happen to prefer stuff that's not Mass Compliant.

I hate to be an a**h*** but please tell me you would rather have a 9000s over a Davis p-380

I've haven't tried either one, but the Beretta looks like a scaled down 92/96 series, which are really good guns. The Davis doesn't look like a decent gun to me, the ergonomics would seem to be off.

And you're not an a**h***, it's a legitimate question. IF I were the person making the choice, I'd get the Beretta, for sure.

ETA: Don't misunderstand my Mass Compliant remark. I should have said " The guns I prefer are unfortunately not Mass Compliant".

Please remember that I'm not an expert on the USE of handguns. I do know ammo really well and gunsmithing/troubleshooting moderately well.
Quick update, On Tuesday I called berretta to get a new extractor. Cost $20. On Tuesday night I wanted to see if I could change it my self. Well I can, but I noticed some uneven wear on the extractor. I grabbed a File gave it about 20 strokes and it work great. FS 1 extractor for Beretta 9000s. $20

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