I don't even need to look at those threads. For me, it would be CCI Stingers...
That said, a male, mature Coyote weighs about 35 pounds on average. I've encountered them out in the woods plenty of times during hunting seasons. I've had them yelping around me while I field dress an animal. I have never had one that wasn't deathly afraid of humans and run as fast as it could in the opposite direction when it set eyes on me.
If I need to go back to the truck to get a cart or whatever and leave an animal in the woods, I hang my hat on a branch above it. The scent keeps the yotes away from the fresh kill. I have never seen them do anything other than run away from human activity.
Every year archery hunters hit the woods and thousands upon thousands of deer die. Everyone is field dressed in prime coyote habitat, hunters are dragging our fresh kills. Maybe it's happened, but I have NEVER heard about a coyote ever attacking a hunter... and if there was ever a time to attack a human... On your home ground, carrying a fresh kill, and often dragging out the carcass after dark... But it doesn't happen.... BTW - bowhunters in MA can not carry a firearm.
I would be more concerned about 2 legged predators than 4. And for that, you're going to need more gun than a 22.