Best Camo...

For the northeast you might want to go back to early-mid 40's German camo.

Dot 44 is phenomenal in this part of the country. You can pick up repro sets for pretty cheap.

Splinter camo (same stuff they made zelts out of) is also perfect for this area. You can even pick up the splinter camo stuff in modern cut BDU for around $55 on ebay.

After that I would suggest Serbian Tiger stripe then Slovenian M91 camo (the first generation stuff).

All the camos above are perfect for all four seasons.
the bass pro leafy jacket and pants are inexpensive and work great. you can put them right over street clothes and jump in the woods in two minutes. I wear them for tirkey hinting and during deer bow season too, they disappear in the woods and dont retain a lot of scent if u are careful w them.
I wouldn't wear 3d pants if u are stalking though, as they get caught on thorns etc easily.
I am partly color blind... and so are a lot of animals.

I find that almost all modern camo, ACU/ Digital whatever, the patterns are so small that they do not break up the figure at all.
to me... good old woodland or the predator camo tend to break up the figures outline the most.
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