some powders will drop super consistent, you will have to test with your powder choice. If you are working with a powder combination that is not super sensitive to +/- .1g or .2g you can load very consistent ammo using normal progressive sequence.
you don't have to load progressively on a progressive press.
there are many methods to load "precision ammo" on a progressive, this would be one:
use one toolhead setup for processing, use the case feeder and run through sizing and de-priming, either with one die or two separate dies. Then use one of the super fancy super expensive super accurate super consistent automatic powder measures to place a charge in each case, one at a time, or a batch in a row -whatever you like. Then use a different tool head with your bullet seating die to seat one at a time, using the same (marked) position on the shellplate for every round, if you don't fully cycle the handle the shellplate will not rotate. Basically using it like a single stage for this step, thus reducing any inconsistency of the 6 position shellplate