No one mentioned it was just about self defense carry or home only requirement. So with that in mind. Carry where weight matters, the G19 is lighter, although it looks like Hudson will make a lighter version that is 2 oz heavier than the G19. Reliability is very important, and with hudson it is way to early to say and my sample of 1 is meaningless. But the Gen 4 G19 certainly had its problem, the only gun that I saw eject a case to the left was Gen 4 G19. So that leaves actually shooting the gun, and that is not even close.
You should really try shooting one
No one did mention it, but when someone asks what the best striker fired pistol is and why, i think of Glock, m&p etc etc, with all the intended uses and advantages of a Glock or m&p. Cheap, light, ergonomic, reliable and all the other obvious striker fired polymer gun traits.