Best trick for sneaking a new gun into the house...

Could some of you guys talk to Patrick for me? He isn't buying nearly enough guns...

"It is always a good idea to keep My Gun Money separate from Our Money!"

There you go. That's exactly what I do. And the sidearms are delivered to my door via UPS or Fedex.
Walk into the house carrying your new gun and yell out,

"Honey, are you in the mood for some lovin"?"

Works like a champ every time.
SiameseRat said:
Could some of you guys talk to Patrick for me? He isn't buying nearly enough guns...


SR, I'll be glad to do my part next time I see him.

BTW, he should have bought all the handguns he'd ever want BEFORE he changed his legal residence to MA!! I was incredulous when Mike told me that Pat was getting his Resident LTC!! Too bad he wasn't present so I could have talked some sense into him.
sdavid said:
Cross-X said:
"And that one over there belongs to Jon Green."

Honey, Jon Green has a lot of guns over here, some for over a year!

Interesting, he told his wife that he is holding a .50 BMG for me.

Lord knows what Mr. Green says I'm holding for him!

I'm probably gun-rich!
Once the bulk of the funding is squared away (I get about 3 or 4 cash jobs per year), the rest is easy. I take about 10% of the actual cost out of the bank and return with my new toy.

BUT, if I get hit by a bus, my brother knows to intercede quickly before my wife sells my cased Rizzini 20/28 gauge 2 barrel set for $380. And then about 25 years of double barreled lies will surface.

And that's how I do it.
It is always a good idea to keep Gun Money separate from Our Money!
and also separate from her Shoe Money. Works for us.

I don't hide my new guns from her and she doesn't hide her new party frocks from me. We just don't ask and don't tell how much they cost...
LenS said:
SiameseRat said:
Could some of you guys talk to Patrick for me? He isn't buying nearly enough guns...


SR, I'll be glad to do my part next time I see him.

BTW, he should have bought all the handguns he'd ever want BEFORE he changed his legal residence to MA!! I was incredulous when Mike told me that Pat was getting his Resident LTC!! Too bad he wasn't present so I could have talked some sense into him.

Yeah imagine moving from Arizona, where you can legally open carry to Mass where he's now been demoted to Sporting and Target!!!
But we're moving to a different town and will try our luck reapplying for ALPs. And he frequently laments the guns he sold before he moved out here... Poor guy [cry]
Brent_from_NYC said:
Once the bulk of the funding is squared away (I get about 3 or 4 cash jobs per year), the rest is easy. I take about 10% of the actual cost out of the bank and return with my new toy.

BUT, if I get hit by a bus, my brother knows to intercede quickly before my wife sells my cased Rizzini 20/28 gauge 2 barrel set for $380. And then about 25 years of double barreled lies will surface.

And that's how I do it.

Hell, if Hillary could do it with commodity futures, I don't see why you couldn't have done it with guns. After all, you actually know something about what your're doing. That's how all those guns you bought for chump change have managed to appreceiate so much in the past week.


Imagine moving from AZ where you have the right to carry, but carry in a restaurant with a license to serve alcohol is absolutely prohibited, to a town in MA where LTC-A/ALP is available to anyone with a clean record.

AZ has a great gun culture, but the restaurant ban is a serious flaw. The legisltature passed a correction, but the AZ gov vetoed in "choosing to side with the hospitality industry" as she put it.
Rob is right, not being able to carry in a library, municipal building, etc. would be a Royal PITA! We have a lot fewer restrictions by statute than many"free states"!
SiameseRat said:
And he frequently laments the guns he sold before he moved out here... Poor guy [cry]

He did what??

Have you had him checked by a psychiatrist to see what possessed him to sell guns that he could never replace here? [roll] Hell, he could have made a small fortune selling them here after he officially declared MA as his residence and got his MA Resident LTC!

I guess he must have slept thru Chief Glidden's seminar a number of years ago! As Ron told us, most handguns won't ever be available in MA again, except when people move in. Thus, selling off (in another state) that which is rare in this state should be a crime! [cry]

Edited to clarify the Glidden remark.
Mission Impossable

Your mission Jim should you decide to accept is, sneak a new pistol into the house without the little lady finding out about it. You'll be working this mission alone as no other IMF Force team members would dare to take on this one!

Step 1: Prepare. The night before you go to your favorite gun shop you mention that your're going in the morning and have the guys look at your pistol.

Step 2: You take any pistol with you in your range bag and announce that you want Carl, Tom or whom ever to take a look at it as it was not ejecting right the last time you fired it. Be care here, do NOT show her the pistol in the case unless she asks , that's your 'swap gun'. More on that later.

Step 3: Purchase. O.K. you made your purchase and are a happy camper. before you drive home, you switch pistols in the range bag with your swap gun. Placing the box, manual, paper work and everying that came with it and place it in the trunk of your car.

Step 4 The Con. Upon arriving home, you hope the little lady is a) in the shower, b) on the telephone or c) NOT AT HOME. No luck, she home. O.K. here we go. You walk in the house carring the range bag, have your best 'poker face' on. She asks, "did they fix the problem"? You answer: " Yup, the ejecting needed a slight adjustment". You say, "yup, nothing major". Then, this is important, QUICKLY CHANGE THE SUBJECT, like, hey what's for dinner, what's new with ________(fill in the blanK).

Step 5 The put away. You calmly go to where ever you store your guns and put the bag there until she busy doing something else see Step 4 a or b.

Step 6 End OK she in the shower, or what ever you go back to your car, and bring in the bag with everything else.

Mission complete................until the next time! [lol]
I bought 6 guns this year and another safe. I have so many now, I had to take them all out and make a inventory list.

Any time I want to try some thing new I clean out my safes. The other day doing my inventory, I found a Model 37 I forgot I had. I didn't remember that I also had two PPK'S either.

That's the great part about getting old. You forget things and when you find them there like a brand new toy.

Besides the wife said 2 safes are the limit and I can't bear to part with any of my guns to make room for new ones. That's the best part about guns they don't get old only better.
This worked for me:

I asked my wife how much she needs for the kids' school tuition incase I will pay it in full and after her reply... grab the case of the new gun, open the [gun] case with my checkbook inside [I planned it well... placed the checkbook inside the gun's case], write the amount she needs... hand her the check no question! :D She was so happy and I even followed it up with "kids education is my top priority! [that's the truth anyway!].
Just a thought- Maybe that assinine law they're trying to pass in Toronto to make it mandatory to lock all guns up in a centralized location is a "law" to help out sneaky husbands. All the fun of buying without the fear of being found out...
Maybe they're on to something. [roll]
I never seem to have to buy any guns. They just seem to reproduce by themselves in the safe.

If she ever questions any guns, I just give this weird look and say I've had this gun for years and tell her I remember her even shooting it once or twice.
Well, fortunately for me, my wife doesn't complain. Of course, when she wants something, she buys it. It's a 2 way street and will continue to be so.

I can't fool her, either. She knows the difference between the various guns, and DEFINTELY knows the difference between calibers. That's my fault, since got her into working guns shows with my father and I.
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