Best way to get a Dan Wesson 1911?

Yeah, assuming we're talking about guns that aren't broken I agree.

A bunch of people are going to say "BUHT I BOUGHT A (insert whatever here) and its JUST FYNE!!!!" and that's great, they probably won the lottery or got a gun that was built on a Monday. Or they don't' run their gun really hard. Etc.

Maybe if this was 1993 or something I would feel differently. We're not in that era anymore- we're in the era of Schloque- because the manufacturers figured out that a huge percentage of gun buyers never even fire the guns they buy, or barely fire them. People like many of us here are kind of the exception to the market. Talk to joe randomguy at the range or the gun shop, talk to enough of those people, and after awhile you'll be like "jesus christ I didn't know people like this actually existed." but they do. And there are thousands of them.


Exactly. Most gun owners think a few hundred rounds through a gun is a lot. They don't find the problems because they hardly break them in.

Even the more expensive 1911s have problems. My S&W Performance Center had to go back with issues. It took me around 600 to 800 rounds with different magazines and ammo to decide it was the gun. That's a $1600 gun going back and I don't consider $1600 an "expensive" gun but that extra $600 above your run of mill $1000 1911 should have at least bought me a working gun. Knock on wood I have put about 3000 rounds through it since January with no issues.
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