Question: Do we think it's too late to seed a fall broccoli crop?
My spinach row needs filler - thinking broccoli if it's not too late.
I'll be pulling my first pea planting very soon - i could throw some spinach there to keep that rolling.
Hey - how many of youz guyz let some lettuce go to seed every year utilize next years rogue plants as your spring crop?
I had a red leaf romaine start from last years bolt. The thing was/is Little Shop of Horrors huge, now at about 4' tall bolt with, what's shaping up to be a 'canopy' of flowers.

I'm also letting some greenleaf go to seed now in hopes of free plants next year.
Bees: try more "pollinator" types of plants around the yard. Bee Balm comes to mind first - hummingbirds love the red ones too. I planted a raspberry hedge a couple years back - holy shit quantity bees. Wildflower/tall standing perennial flowers - i would think - would be helpful as well. Lavender? maybe? dunno....
I'm starting to get some banana peppers. Pulled 1/2 dozen or more yesterday. -must have missed cropping a few early buds?
Beets: Never had a thing for 'em but, have some in the garden for my parents. I took a couple and sliced them ~1/4 inch - tossed on indirect grill heat for ~15-20 min, then toasted to a little char. Butter 'em in the plate. Not bad! Quick/low prep tastiness.