Biden Vows 2nd Term Gun Control, Criticizes Jefferson’s ‘Tree of Liberty’ as ‘A Bunch of Crap’


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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'Number one, we’re going to, in a second term, God willing, we’re going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country,' declares senile puppet president.

Puppet President Joe Biden said he intends to use his second term in the White House to target firearms and curtail gun rights.

Biden made the anti-2A declaration on an episode of the “Smartless” podcast released this week, where he told show hosts he planned to address “gun violence,” and went on to label former US President Thomas Jefferson’s famous “tree of liberty” quote a “bunch of crap.”

“I think they should be focused on a couple of things: Number one, we’re going to, in a second term, God willing, we’re going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country,” Biden told thespian hosts Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett.

“The idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100 rounds is just bizarre,” he continued.

Biden went on to falsely claim the Second Amendment contained restrictions, and doesn’t allow citizens to own, for example, cannons.

'Number one, we’re going to, in a second term, God willing, we’re going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country,' declares senile puppet president.

Puppet President Joe Biden said he intends to use his second term in the White House to target firearms and curtail gun rights.

Biden made the anti-2A declaration on an episode of the “Smartless” podcast released this week, where he told show hosts he planned to address “gun violence,” and went on to label former US President Thomas Jefferson’s famous “tree of liberty” quote a “bunch of crap.”

“I think they should be focused on a couple of things: Number one, we’re going to, in a second term, God willing, we’re going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country,” Biden told thespian hosts Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett.

“The idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100 rounds is just bizarre,” he continued.

Biden went on to falsely claim the Second Amendment contained restrictions, and doesn’t allow citizens to own, for example, cannons.

The latest book that I read was "The Tattooist of Auschwitz."

The night before the Nazis were about to load the author, his family and his friends on the cattle cars to the camps, his friend asked him if they should fight when the Germans showed up at the door. The protagonist responded with something like "we have no guns. Without guns, we have no hope of any success." They meekly boarded the cars. Both boys were shipped off the very next day.

This is why leftist leaders are so obsessed with disarming the American public. They understand that the only way they can garner complete control over the country, and eliminate any possible push back from the population is to take guns from the citizenry, and make sure that the evil people are the only ones who have them.

It wasn't just the Nazis who figured this out. The Turks figured this out with the Armenians. Mao with the Chinese. Pol Pot with the Cambodians. Stalin with the Ukranians and Russians. Castro with the Cubans. And the Rwandan Hutus with the Tutsis. Gun control expedited the deaths of over 70 million innocents in recent years.

The Jews have an expression.

"Never again", referring to the Holocaust.

Those words mean nothing unless you have the tools to back them up. And those tools are firearms, especially the nasty black ones.
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So, if that does happen, would you rather be living in, around and among a population of terminally leftist minded commies who would rat you out for owning a gun?..............Or, among a population of freedom loving people who would hand you a battle rifle, some mags and a can of ammo to go with it?
This election should show even the deniers how election fraud totally controls this country. Even with the fake poll numbers this idiot is lower than any other president with an economy that's completely in the toilet and come November he will squeak out another "victory" 3 weeks after election night is over.
The latest book that I read was "The Tattooist of Auschwitz."

The night before the Nazis were about to load the author, his family and his friends on the cattle cars to the camps, his friend asked him if they should fight when the Germans showed up at the door. The protagonist responded with something like "we have no guns. Without guns, we have no hope of any success." They meekly boarded the cars. Both boys were shipped off the very next day.

This is why leftist leaders are so obsessed with disarming the American public. They understand that the only way they can garner complete control over the country, and eliminate any possible push back from the population is to take guns from the citizenry, and make sure that the evil people are the only ones who have them.

It wasn't just the Nazis who figured this out. The Turks figured this out with the Armenians. Mao with the Chinese. Pol Pot with the Cambodians. Stalin with the Ukranians and Russians. Castro with the Cubans. And the Rwandan Hutus with the Tutsis. Gun control expedited the deaths of over 70 million innocents in recent years.

The Jews have an expression.

"Never again", referring to the Holocaust.

Those words mean nothing unless you have the tools to back them up. And those tools are firearms, especially the nasty black ones.

"Never again" is a funny quote in this context, seeing as though the bloodiest massacre of innocent civilians in history was the Jewish led communist revolution in Russia that killed 20 million.
Listen to the script that the b-list actors use on agreeing with Biden in this podcast, because it’s a script. “Yeah, nobody hunts with an ar-15.” “Like, common sense gun control only makes sense.” You’ll hear this same script from paid celebs and influencers from now until your train ride.
I’m all for ending gun violence.

A good start- Hire lots of cops, aggressively prosecute and punish all violent crime. Double up harsh sentences for gun involved crime. Incarcerate violent felons far away from home turf.
"Never again" is a funny quote in this context, seeing as though the bloodiest massacre of innocent civilians in history was the Jewish led communist revolution in Russia that killed 20 million.


This is an antisemitic conspiracy theory promoted heavily by the Nazis and pretty much all Jew-haters ever since. Don't peddle in this crap. Reported.

This is an antisemitic conspiracy theory promoted heavily by the Nazis and pretty much all Jew-haters ever since. Don't peddle in this crap. Reported.

Lenin, Uritski, Trotsky, Zinovev, Kamenev were jews.

Kollontai was an orphan raised by jewish parents.

Furthermore, Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Rykov, Molotov, Kirov, Voroshilov, Andreev, Yezhov, and Brezhnev all married jewish women.

So that's more than half of the central committee in 1917 was either jewish by birth or jewish by marriage.

Let's not also forget Lazar Kaganovich and Genrikh Yagoda and their later role in the Holodomor, which BTW russia has never acknowledged.
“They appear under Russian pseudonyms because they are ashamed of their Jewish origins. It would be better to say that their Jewish names are pseudonyms; they are not rooted in our people.” - Simon Dubnov

Many of those founding "Jews" were blatantly anti-Jewish themselves. Marx certainly was, he hated Jews. So was Molotov who you mentioned - he said "“Biding their time, they sniff around, stir things up, but are always prepared. The Jews had long struggled for their own state under a Zionist flag. We, of course, were against Zionism." Sounds like a wonderful guy, I'm sure.

Many Jews supported the revolution because they expected it would bring them more rights after suffering through pogroms, but more Jews were in opposition parties than were with the Bolsheviks. And only a very small number of Jews even were Bolsheviks. Prior to the revolutions, Russia was an extremely anti-Jewish country. But what happened to the Jews under communist regime? Nothing good, they were purged in huge numbers.

You are conflating being Jewish (or just being around Jews, apparently) with being the source of evil communism. Communism infected plenty of other parts of the world without any Jewish influence at all. The fact that you solely place blame for this on Jews is what makes your remarks anti-Jewish.

This is a gun forum, not a place to push anti-Jewish rhetoric. Many of us who are green members (unlike you) happen to be Jews. I doubt you'll find a communist among us. Half of my family goes directly back to the colonial era and I have direct descendants who fought on April 19, 1775. I guess in your view that must make the American Revolution a Jewish one.
Biden to TJ:


[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

He's such a moron. LOL
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