NES Member
It is certainly the case you can be simultaneously Jewish and not a friend of the Jews. Witness this creature:“They appear under Russian pseudonyms because they are ashamed of their Jewish origins. It would be better to say that their Jewish names are pseudonyms; they are not rooted in our people.” - Simon Dubnov
Many of those founding "Jews" were blatantly anti-Jewish themselves. Marx certainly was, he hated Jews. So was Molotov who you mentioned - he said "“Biding their time, they sniff around, stir things up, but are always prepared. The Jews had long struggled for their own state under a Zionist flag. We, of course, were against Zionism." Sounds like a wonderful guy, I'm sure.
Many Jews supported the revolution because they expected it would bring them more rights after suffering through pogroms, but more Jews were in opposition parties than were with the Bolsheviks. And only a very small number of Jews even were Bolsheviks. Prior to the revolutions, Russia was an extremely anti-Jewish country. But what happened to the Jews under communist regime? Nothing good, they were purged in huge numbers.
You are conflating being Jewish (or just being around Jews, apparently) with being the source of evil communism. Communism infected plenty of other parts of the world without any Jewish influence at all. The fact that you solely place blame for this on Jews is what makes your remarks anti-Jewish.
This is a gun forum, not a place to push anti-Jewish rhetoric. Many of us who are green members (unlike you) happen to be Jews. I doubt you'll find a communist among us. Half of my family goes directly back to the colonial era and I have direct descendants who fought on April 19, 1775. I guess in your view that must make the American Revolution a Jewish one.