Big E Gun Show - Oct 29-30, 2022


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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It's that time again. Time to receive the traditional NES shower of abuse for mentioning this.

i have not been in year…and not sure it is worth going this year. I will have to see what else I have going on.
Last time I went to the Springfield show one of the people displaying Nazi stuff in the back had a record playing with what I can only guess was Nazi music. Gun shows bring out the wackos for sure, and the tactical dudes that get to play dress up and flex their latest urban camo and thigh holsters lol

Used to get some good deals on Surefire from that guy that ended up getting slapped by SF for selling well below MSRP at that show.
Last time I went to the Springfield show one of the people displaying Nazi stuff in the back had a record playing with what I can only guess was Nazi music. Gun shows bring out the wackos for sure, and the tactical dudes that get to play dress up and flex their latest urban camo and thigh holsters lol

Used to get some good deals on Surefire from that guy that ended up getting slapped by SF for selling well below MSRP at that show.
One of the Nazi guys gave me and my friend copies of The Turner Diaries for free after I bought a surplus helmet from him when I was like 13.
After we met back up with my dad and his group and showed them our free reading material a good laugh was had and the books were taken for what I can imagine was kindling later that night at a bonfire.

Pretty sure that copy would be worth hundreds on ebay and a visit from DHS nowadays
Any updates on how the show is? I know it’s been historically bad but I was thinking of going down
I went with my wife today, I don't go to shows but wanted to check it out. Had a lot of knives! A lot of vintage military items. Typical ma compliment rifles and shotguns, some reloading equipment including molds. Some accessories like scopes and lights but not a huge variety.

Personally I was hoping to see a wider variety of accessories and a lot more modern tactical gear. Plate carriers and plates would have been cool.

Ammo was in 1 section of the area and you needed an ma ltc to even go and look at it which was stupid but whatever.

Like I said I don't usually go to these things but that was my experience. There was a couple of Nazi stands not really my thing but if you're a war history buff then maybe some cool items.
I used to love to go to these shows. I'd do all 3 or 4 a year. This was 15 or so years ago when stuff was affordable. Haven't been to a show in approx 5 years at least. There is nothing I can't get now at Littleton.
I used to love to go to these shows. I'd do all 3 or 4 a year. This was 15 or so years ago when stuff was affordable. Haven't been to a show in approx 5 years at least. There is nothing I can't get now at Littleton.
Hi, question. You got me wondering what Littleton is.
What/where do you mean? Thanks!
Hi, question. You got me wondering what Littleton is.
What/where do you mean? Thanks!

It's in....Littleton!

One of the biggest concentration of FFLs in the free world.

You owe it to yourself to go there at least once.

I say this every time. Very rarely do I find anything I wanna be down there. But every time I try buy a handgun. I get “pending further review”..
I’m not gonna travel to go pick up a gun so far away. But then you add shipping an FFL fees. It’s no longer a deal you’re better off going on GunBroker
Hi, question. You got me wondering what Littleton is.
What/where do you mean? Thanks!

One post in over 9 years...

There is an inside bet going on right now as to who will be the first one to ask someone here to make a shotgun shorter for them, you or Iron Eagle.
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Years ago, I would look forward to every gun show. I can't remember how many pistols I bought at these gun shows over the years but after the last show I went to several years ago, I wouldn't go to another gun show if you gave me a free ticket and paid for my lunch. Here in Massachusetts, they are nothing more than a waste of time.
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