BioLite Stove Kickstarter TODAY!!!! New BASE CAMP stove.


NES Life Member
NES Member
Sep 27, 2013
The Karenwealth of Assachusetts
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Hey everyone. A heads-up.

Anyone who is interested should check this link out. I'm sure I'm not the only one on the site with a BioLite stove. Great little device. Well, the BioLite people have introduced their new Base Camp stove, which is an improved version of the Home Stove they make and provide to the poor in India and in African countries.

But instead of putting it up for sale, they are doing pre-orders as a Kickstarter campaign.

I got the email early, and decided to jump in on this. The stove will come with a special edition carry case, and it looks like they'll have another reward or two when the product is shipped out. The campaign so far has been so successful, that they sold out of the first 500, so they've opened up another 500 PLUS anyone who orders one at the $299 level today only (5/14) will get the special edition carry case. I know, it's just a case, but hey, why pay more. You know it will be an extra charge when they go on sale on their site.

For those that don't know about the BioLite stove,
That looks pretty cool. I got the biolite from my parents last Christmas but have yet to use it. I was always curious if they were going to sell the larger stoves.
I was just looking at this... only have one question though...
maybe the electrical engineers on here can exlpain it to me once again, but would EMP affect something like this? I guess you could always store it in an ammo box with a metal seal, but just currious if the technology itself is suseptable? i know that EMP simply does not affect most things without some sort of computer in it (say something like a toaster oven would work just fine) but what about this?
I was just looking at this... only have one question though...
maybe the electrical engineers on here can exlpain it to me once again, but would EMP affect something like this? I guess you could always store it in an ammo box with a metal seal, but just currious if the technology itself is suseptable? i know that EMP simply does not affect most things without some sort of computer in it (say something like a toaster oven would work just fine) but what about this?

Should be fine..... EMP creates an induced current that backfeeds into the components..... The components most impacted are active silicon (microprocessors, memory, etc).... This looks to be a simple thermocouple feed so should not be affected.....
Should be fine..... EMP creates an induced current that backfeeds into the components..... The components most impacted are active silicon (microprocessors, memory, etc).... This looks to be a simple thermocouple feed so should not be affected.....

Thanks. May have to dip into the ammo budget for one then...

Sent from my KFSOWI using Tapatalk

FY: here is the reply from them

Thanks for your inquiry! Unfortunately, because of the nature of an EMP, it
would render all electronics useless. The electric components of the BaseCamp
would also theoretically become non-functional.

I hope this information helps!

All the best,
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