Birthday card requests


NES Member
Jun 24, 2016
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Wasn't sure where to post this so I guess General Discussion is where it goes. One of my relatives is a historian. A genealogist to be more accurate. I don't know him well but that is besides the point.

He is very active on facebook and has made a post requesting cards to be sent to a WW2 vet.

Here is a copy and paste of his post

My dear friend Horace Hamilton "Old Salt" will be 99 years young on June 2nd! He was 17 when he was aboard the @Usnavy U.S.S. PHOENIX at the Attack on #PearlHarbor - Please send him a card ? And let's make this go viral and RT this post:
PO Box 1281
Caldwell, TX 77836

Also a screen snip if this works.

My daughter has made him a card and we will be sending it out this week. Just thought others may want to join in.
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