Blue card required to ship ammo to NH?

Sep 4, 2012
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Hi all, I'm a MA resident with a MA LTC but own property in NH. I submitted an order at an online ammo retailer to ship to my NH address and they replied saying I needed to send them a copy of my NH blue card to release the order? Is this accurate or are the misinformed? Seeing as though NH is a Constitutional Carry state, I never got an out-of-state NH license at all.

Sounds like a scam. whats the site?
I'd prefer not to say as after a few back and forth emails with customer service, they are releasing the order. Seems like I corrected their thinking and they realized their mistake.

Unless it’s a hard to get caliber there is no reason not to use Target Spirts for all your ammo needs. Some companies just hear MA and they pucker up.
Thank you for the recommendation, will check it out.
Hi all, I'm a MA resident with a MA LTC but own property in NH. I submitted an order at an online ammo retailer to ship to my NH address...
Did you use a credit card with a Massachusetts billing address? That'd be the root cause.

they replied saying I needed to send them a copy of my NH blue card to release the order? Is this accurate or are the misinformed? Seeing as though NH is a Constitutional Carry state, I never got an out-of-state NH license at all.
No idea what a "blue card" would be. :confused:

Before I moved to NH I held a non-resident P&R, it was not blue, nor is the resident license.
Did you use a credit card with a Massachusetts billing address? That'd be the root cause.

No idea what a "blue card" would be. :confused:

Before I moved to NH I held a non-resident P&R, it was not blue, nor is the resident license.
Only thing I can think of is they were confusing MA and RI. RI require blue card to purchase ammo now. That's the only time I've heard of an online retailer needing a blue card
Long ago when I lived in Texas, a major purveyor of ammo and milsurp gear had a great offer on an unusual Swiss bayonet. They noted that they would not ship to Texas (based on their completely incorrect interpretation of the TX "illegal knife" statute).

I ordered a case of ammo and the bayonet to be shipped to my mother's address in Arkansas. They canceled the bayonet based on my TX billing address, but delivered a case of ammo that I didn't even really need (I added it to the cart to get a better price on shipping).

By time I saw it, they were sold out. All my protests were moot.

But guess what? Some months later they mistakenly priced bricks of .22 at the per box price. I bought a case, because screw 'em.
Hi all, I'm a MA resident with a MA LTC but own property in NH. I submitted an order at an online ammo retailer to ship to my NH address and they replied saying I needed to send them a copy of my NH blue card to release the order? Is this accurate or are the misinformed? Seeing as though NH is a Constitutional Carry state, I never got an out-of-state NH license at all.


there is no such thing, they must be thinking of rhode island.
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