Bolt for Marlin 25N - Broken Firing Pin Spring

Oct 3, 2008
Blackstone Valley, MA
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In my ever vigilant quest to be anal about cleaning my guns, it seems that I went TOO far in tearing down the bolt of my Marlin 25N. I don't know why I decided to keep going as far as I did, but alas, hind sight is 20/20.

I removed the extractor, firing pin, and firing pin spring to get at a bunch of build up. Upon trying to reassemble, I improperly located the firing pin spring (behind the firing pin), but got it to go back together. Since looking at diagrams and directions is best after you've messed something up, I looked up the Marlin bolt action manual. Page 11 helped show me where I went wrong. I went to correct my poor assembly, and it now appears that the firing pin spring is in 2 pieces. [angry2]

Question 1) I'm sure I now have to bring this to a gunsmith in order to fix this correct?

Question 2) Can I just order a new fully assembled bolt assembly from someplace instead? Would THIS item be all that I need to order?
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