Border Control

derek said:
There is nothing wrong with watching illegal activities and alerting the La Migra.

Right up until the watchers start tripping the underground sensors, mucking up the carefully groomed drag-trails, and making the work of the Border Patrol that much more difficult.

If you were on the front lines of battle as a Marine, would you want a raggedy band of civilian wannabes getting in _your_ way? :)
The job isn't getting done. If it takes a bunch of gung ho Americans to donate their time and cut down illegal crossings in a 20 mile stretch from 800 a day to 13 a day, I say more power to them.

This quote says it all.

Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.

It obviously was working.
derek said:
The job isn't getting done. If it takes a bunch of gung ho Americans to donate their time and cut down illegal crossings in a 20 mile stretch from 800 a day to 13 a day, I say more power to them.

This quote says it all.

Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.

It obviously was working.

I was gonna say the same thing.
I have litterally watched illegals being escorted to a car first hand. They pay to get helped across the boarder and to have a used car waiting for them. Had I gotten in the way, who knows what would have happened to me. The "gentlemen" that were escorting the family didn't exactly look friendly.
Cross-X said:
I don't know that Pres. Bush is opposed to closing borders, he just disagrees with the vigilante methodology.

I don't blame him. But are the Minutemen vigilantes, or a neighborhood crime watch committee there to observe and report?
derek said:
I don't understand why sealing the boarders doesn't seem to concern Bush. Anyone care to elaborate?

He's got a big lawn in front of his house in Texas, so he needs someone to mow it for him. Cheap.
jacobtowne said:
Cross-X said:
I don't know that Pres. Bush is opposed to closing borders, he just disagrees with the vigilante methodology.

I don't blame him. But are the Minutemen vigilantes, or a neighborhood crime watch committee there to observe and report?

The latter. They don't try to interfere. At least, that's what their press releases say. And no one has said differently that I've heard.
derek said:
The job isn't getting done. If it takes a bunch of gung ho Americans to donate their time and cut down illegal crossings in a 20 mile stretch from 800 a day to 13 a day, I say more power to them.

This quote says it all.

Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.

It obviously was working.

Yes, but the example you cite is like Boston cops making a big push to cut down on street-level prositution in the Combat Zone. All it does is squeeze the 'tutes to the nearby neighborhoods.

I don't think you believe that the 787 who didn't cross in the Minuteman area just turned around and went home, do you? You are certainly not that naive.
I guess some people don't remember Charles Bronson. That was a vigilante in the popular sense of the word. I know that the liberals wanted to portray them as a cross between him and Barney Fife, but I don't buy it. From everything I've actually seen, (as opposed to totally unsubstantiated assertions by people who were no closer to the Mexican border than San Francisco or DC) the simply sat back, kept their eyes open and phoned in reports to Border Patrol. If I'm going to worry about (or believing) that interfering with the Border Patrol, then I'd probably also worry that Neighborhood Watch accidently sets ott burgler alarms and deluges local police with phony tips, distracting them from real police work.

I left work yesterday and went to the bar, this is my first time back on since yesterday.

I don't think the others just threw up their hand. But the people who own land out there are sick and tired of having it trampled and littered constantly from illegals coming over.

It isn't the solution to the problem, but for 20 days, 20 miles of boarder were the most secure they have ever been. It's up to the state and federal goverment to address the issue. And it isn't just about illegals coming in and leeching, it's also a gaping hole for terrorists to enter our country.
derek said:
I'll have to take a rain check on the beer, I'm still reeling from last night.

In honor of our Site Admin/Host, check this out: (Accept the security box that pops up, might take a minute or so). This is from "Down Under" (aka Oz or Australia).

[twisted] [twisted]
LenS said:
derek said:
I'll have to take a rain check on the beer, I'm still reeling from last night.

In honor of our Site Admin/Host, check this out: (Accept the security box that pops up, might take a minute or so). This is from "Down Under" (aka Oz or Australia).

[twisted] [twisted]

Seems like lots of effort for a so-so result.
Nickle said:
Cross-X said:
All things considered, I'd rather have a Bud.


How about a nice Labatt's, Corona, Magic Hat, Long Trail, Yeungling or Sam Adams, instead?

Sure, except for Magic Hat or Yeungling. A man has got to have some standards.

Until those other beers arrive, just gimme a Bud.
Cross-X said:
Nickle said:
I don't drink Magic Hat or Yeungling myself, but I'd be surprised if most of the rest weren't available in Mass.

Yes, but I have none of them in front of me right _now_!

Well, neither do I, but I'll be having a nice cool Labatt's draft at the bar right after work. Friday tradition. Got Guard Drill this weekend. Weapons qualification tomorrow. Don't know if I have to shoot or not, but probably not, unless they've changed my assigned weapon to an M16A2 from my M9 (hopefully not yet), or they've got a pistol range scheduled (not likely, but possible). But then, if they have a Machine Gun range scheduled, and my unit is running it, I'll get tasked, probably as the Range OIC (and I'm an NCO mind you). Otherwise, I'll end up as a Line NCO (Firing Line Safety).

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