MrTwigg said:Anybody know if this is true ? How would a law like this serve the good od the public ? The only reason I could see for a law such as this to exist is to support a propaganda machine.
I don't know what "law" they're talking about, frankly. If the BATFE is the
entity that regulates this data, then it's likely a matter of "turf defense" or
somesuch. It might be a blanket federal law that protects certain records
produced or collected.... eg, tax records, etc.... in which case, asking
for its repeal is tantamount to a "special exception" which villifies
gun owners.
I agree that it would only be used for propoganda, considering that
the data could even be skewed by demographics.... example- A "crime
gun" is found to have originated from GA. But the data may not tell
someone wether it was "strawed" or stolen from some guy's house... so
even in a perfect world, where all the dealers are hyper-compliant with these
horrible laws, the anti-gun retards will still be pointing fingers at gun friendly
states, because if a given state has more guns/capita in it, that means
that a higher # will come from there. This means that even given
stricter laws, a place like GA would always come up on the list, because
every fifth person there might have a gun, whereas in mass that number
might be 1 in 50.