Boston having a gun buy back

Also, it cushions the moonbats/sheeps' beds at night. More feel-good nonsense making them think they're safer.

The less these abominations take in, the more likely they'll start to disappear. The people most likely to commit crimes are also the people least likely to turn in their guns.

And it's really ****ing ironic giving guns back to your government.
Seems t me that we would have the last laugh if I were say, to turn in 4 Raven .25 auto's NIB for $800 ..that I paid less than $150 for a few years back...and make a point of pointing that out to the ubiquitous "News Reporter" that will be doing a "Warm/Fuzzy" report for the 6:00 news.
Yeah. That would not be making it into that 6:00 news report. Pointing out the absurdity of the gun surrender event--to which the media is entirely sympathetic--would not fit the narrative that guns Я bad and surrendering them to the authorities is good.
Are the police volunteering their time or are they getting paid for it? These events are not free, they take from others in the form of taxes one way or the other.

But they'll still be there manning their assigned posts whether anyone shows up or not, so what's the difference ???
They can sit there doing absolutely nothing, or sit there and do a minimal amount of work.
Pardon my ignorance but... doesn't this sort of thing promote for crime?

Assuming I am a criminal, and I see this buyback program, wouldn't I be inclined to rob a couple of people's houses to see if they have guns? On that note, I remember a while back hearing that NY was posting firearm owners information online, I hope MA doesn't do that or else we would all be targets.
I would tend to encourage a permanent gun buyback program provided no new cops are hired because:

1.) As long as more guns are manufactured and sold than turned in it's a winner.

2.) It would take cops away from more annoying police-work.
I searched and couldn't find anything on the site here, BZ news just said that Boston is starting a gun buyback tomorrow, Monday. $200 per active gun.

Is that going to be $200 for handguns and less for rifles and shotguns or will they not discriminate and is it anonymous so I could get rid of a few old junk (working) guns?

It's going to be less for rifles and rusted out revolvers, because of the people who love using these things to turn in broken, rusted out .32's for a gift card worth 1000% of the guns actual value. They are onto us [wink]
Anyone going from here??? [rofl] What a joke, it's sad because the guns they need to get off the streets are in the hands of gangbangers, thugs and alike. This program means well but not getting to the real root of the violence.
Anyone going from here??? [rofl] What a joke, it's sad because the guns they need to get off the streets are in the hands of gangbangers, thugs and alike. This program means well but not getting to the real root of the violence.
Or the gangbangers turn their guns in, grab the 200 bucks, and steal another one.
if anyone has a POS hi point pistol in .40sw I would love to take it off your hands.... i need a bigger collection so any POS guns that just need some TLC i would be glad to take :)
as said in the other dupetastic...
if anyone has a POS hi point pistol in .40sw I would love to take it off your hands.... i need a bigger collection so any POS guns that just need some TLC i would be glad to take :)
Anyone think this is worth $200?

Should I be first in line?

Since this thread is a dupe, I moved my post to over here:
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Should I turn this in for $200?

I would take the $200 and put it towards a brand new gun manufactured in a free(er) state!

Or would that still annoy people?


Guns must be delivered unloaded. The firearms must be in a clear plastic bag and then placed in another container such as a gym bag or backpack. Ammunition must be placed in a bag separate from a gun, authorities said on the site.

Seriously? LOL they're worried that the ammo is gonna jump into the gun are they? So as a fully licensed carrier, if I bring one in my pocket, will they just turn me away and tell me to go get a plastic baggie?

Maybe I wanna try this.
I see the police decided to do this in a way that makes it impossible to protest. Since it's an ongoing thing, and involves multiple locations until the budget runs out, there is no way to have an informative protest outside the buyback location, unless you stationed people at all buyback locations at all times, which is practically impossible.

They must have seen what happened last year at several surrender events around the country and devised a new plan.
Should I turn this in for $200?

I would take the $200 and put it towards a brand new gun manufactured in a free(er) state!

Or would that still annoy people?


Like I said before...I have 4 of those beauties, NIB, 2 are consecutive serial #s.....would love to dump them for $800!
Originally, my take on it was bring in a few old rusted POS 22 rifles I have and get money. Then I started looking at what the end result would be.
I would be contributing to the obligatory photo op. "Look at all the guns we got off the street."
Which really would mean, "look at the problem that doesn't actually exist, but we need to make you believe it does to build support for our gun grabbing agenda".
Every time I see gun buyback photos, it usually looks like a pile of rifles taken from the back of some widow's closet, guns turned in by people that most likely wouldn't commit crimes with them.

Long read, but worth it IMHO.
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No long guns and it doesn't matter if they said they took 5000 guns off the street. It's just meaningless numbers to everyone except people who already have an opinion. I say drain the bastards of their money and put it to use for our side. No brainer for me.
i was at the Brockton listening tour re: gun violence and new laws a month ago

a non gun owner suggested more gun buy-backs and to his credit, rep. naughton quickly dismissed the notion as a waste of time & money as nothing used in street crime is turned in

however: I have an old marlin 60 I paid $80.00 for---if I turn it in for the $200.00 gift card, sell the card for $125-150 on craiglist I'm well on my way to a ruger 10-22

capitalism at it's best

EDIT!!!!!!!! didn't see the "no long guns" guess they knew what might happen---bummer --I was counting my profit too soon
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