From another list :
Subject: South Station Bus Terminal - Firearms Prohibited by Law
I finally got a response (below) from MBTA Police. Just another reminder
that breaking the law is still illegal
In MA, is failure to obey a company "no guns" policy itself a crime or only
grounds for refusal of service and entry? In some states I believe it is a
crime - more severe in some but only trespass in others.
Dear: XXXX
You are correct, the sign refers to unlicensed carrying or transporting of
firearms as well as any transport of alcoholic beverages by the MBTA is
prohibited. We are all governed by Massachusetts State Laws. Please be
advised to check with the bus carrier (e.g. Greyhound) that may have a
policy to not allow persons who are armed to ride on their bus.
Lt. Gary Fredericks
Rapid Transit Day Commander
>>> XXXX <> 01/13/04 >>>
Dear Chief Carter,
There are signs in South Station Bus Terminal saying "Firearms and weapons
of any kind are strictly prohibited from premises and buses by law."
Can you let me know what law these signs refer to? I hold a valid LTC-A
Massachusetts and assume the sign refers to unlicensed carry or transport,
but wanted to confirm.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,