Boston Subway carry

Oct 25, 2006
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Are there any laws / rules against carrying on the Boston subway system / trains?

I've read about how they do random bomb searches now, I wonder if they check for weapons.

I apologize if this has been asked before. A search yielded me no results.
Are there any laws / rules against carrying on the Boston subway system / trains?

I've read about how they do random bomb searches now, I wonder if they check for weapons.

I apologize if this has been asked before. A search yielded me no results.

AFAIK, they do not. Unless you carry your gun in your bag, you're good.
I believe the trains have a "no weapons policy"....I seem to remember someone telling me that, but I'm not 100% sure. Whether they do or not, if I take the train in to Boston, I carry. Period.
Went in to Boston last Saturday to have lunch with our daughter, son-in-law and some of his family who were visiting. Carried on the commuter rail and T without any more visible "security" than there was 15-20 years ago. For all I know my daughter and my son-in-law's step-father (Illinois State Police) might have been carrying as well. (My daughter mentioned that the next time they come up to visit, she want's me to run through an LTC class for her husband so he can get his license.)

I took the commuter rail on Sunday (Haverhill line) and the two "T" employees on the train were mostly making personal calls on their cell phones and talking about Sunday football bets. No signs of any security and the atmosphere was lax. Also made a blunder by almost having the conductor "not stop" to pick up a passenger. I did not carry that day, BTW.
From another list :

Subject: South Station Bus Terminal - Firearms Prohibited by Law

I finally got a response (below) from MBTA Police. Just another reminder
that breaking the law is still illegal :)

In MA, is failure to obey a company "no guns" policy itself a crime or only
grounds for refusal of service and entry? In some states I believe it is a
crime - more severe in some but only trespass in others.

Dear: XXXX

You are correct, the sign refers to unlicensed carrying or transporting of
firearms as well as any transport of alcoholic beverages by the MBTA is
prohibited. We are all governed by Massachusetts State Laws. Please be
advised to check with the bus carrier (e.g. Greyhound) that may have a
policy to not allow persons who are armed to ride on their bus.

Lt. Gary Fredericks
Rapid Transit Day Commander

>>> XXXX <> 01/13/04 >>>

Dear Chief Carter,

There are signs in South Station Bus Terminal saying "Firearms and weapons
of any kind are strictly prohibited from premises and buses by law."

Can you let me know what law these signs refer to? I hold a valid LTC-A
Massachusetts and assume the sign refers to unlicensed carry or transport,
but wanted to confirm.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

I'm CERTAIN that they have a "rule" against it, almost every large venue and company does . . . the lawyers promise them that it will limit their liability! [rolleyes]

My favorite phrase: "Don't ask, Don't tell!!"

Over the years, I've ridden the T a lot, subway and commuter rail. There is no real security on any of them.

They don't do body searches on the T system, so as long as it is ON YOUR PERSON (not in a purse/bag), you should be "good to go".

When the Transit Police are in the stations, they are usually "clustered" (3-4 officers chatting amongst themselves and pretty much ignoring everyone else). I worked in Boston from August 2001 to March 2002 and took the commuter rail and Orange Line Subway every day (Back Bay and Ruggles stations specifically) and this was my observations. Subsequent trips (occasional) over the years since, don't seem any different.

Don't get me wrong, Transit Police are very tough dudes, don't mess with them. When taking a weapon retention class at MCJTC (yes, that long ago), I was paired with a Transit Officer and had to attempt to disarm him. VERY TOUGH DUDES!!
Dear: XXXX

You are correct, the sign refers to unlicensed carrying or transporting of
firearms as well as any transport of alcoholic beverages by the MBTA is
We are all governed by Massachusetts State Laws. Please be
advised to check with the bus carrier (e.g. Greyhound) that may have a
policy to not allow persons who are armed to ride on their bus.

Lt. Gary Fredericks
Rapid Transit Day Commander
Guess you'd better not bring that bottle of wine to a holiday party if you're going via the subway! [rolleyes]
Don't ask, don't tell!

It's worked for me for the last 30 years! I've carried on the T more times than I care to count, never a problem or had to explain anything to anyone.

As an example of "if you don't look like someone about to start trouble, you are unlikely to be hassled":

A year or two ago during one of the "heightened security alerts", Boston was on a "paranoia alert". We went to an oldie's concert at the Hatch Shell. As we were walking along the river, there are MSP Zodiac patrol boats with armed SWAT members on them (NEVER see this on the Charles, except maybe for July 4th-but that's because of the pyrotechnics). There was a large contingent of MSP patrolling around the circle surrounding the Hatch Shell (again very unusual, as it is usually the unarmed Park Rangers doing this). I stopped and chatted with a Trooper about the increased security . . . his parting comment was "keep alert with your eyes open and ears perked" (or some-such). He never once questioned me about my fanny pack (which screams "gun", which is indeed why I was wearing it)! The Trooper wasn't stupid, he just could sense that I was no threat, so why should he care if I was armed or not?

Troublemakers give off an "air" about them, which puts LEOs on the alert. They don't hassle "normal folks" . . . after all they aren't TSA! [devil]

When/if TSA is brought in to "secure the T", then worry! You won't be safe (and you'll be hassled if you are innocent) if you carry a sharpened pencil or a ball-point pen with you.
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You are correct, the sign refers to unlicensed carrying or transporting of
firearms as well as any transport of alcoholic beverages by the MBTA is
prohibited. We are all governed by Massachusetts State Laws. Please be
advised to check with the bus carrier (e.g. Greyhound) that may have a
policy to not allow persons who are armed to ride on their bus.

Hello??? Did you assume that I'm a complete idiot simply because I asked you a question, Lt Fredericks? If you ask, I'll bet you a fresh, hot donut that they answer will be that it's not allowed, regardless of whether or not there really is any policy. OTOH, if they really do have a policy against allowing firearms, and I don't bother to ask about it what's going to happen? Absolutely nothing, because they don't put metal detectors in bus stations.

I asked an MBTA Commuter Rail Conductor, and a uniformed MBTA Police Officer on two different occasions. I explained that I have a (restricted) Class A license to carry, and needed to use the T to get to the range. Both of them said that as long as I have the firearm unloaded, and locked in a bag, no one would bother me. I have been carrying in this way to the range for about a year.
I asked an MBTA Commuter Rail Conductor, and a uniformed MBTA Police Officer on two different occasions. I explained that I have a (restricted) Class A license to carry, and needed to use the T to get to the range. Both of them said that as long as I have the firearm unloaded, and locked in a bag, no one would bother me. I have been carrying in this way to the range for about a year.

Good to know karben, thanks. And welcome to the forum. [wave]
Somewhat unrelated to this thread but relevant enough to post it here: (I think :D)

If, in the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts), a business has a 'no guns' sign posted, is it illegal for you to enter that building with a concealed firearm? [crying]

I encountered one such place on buisness while I was carrying. I chose not to enter because I was unsure of the law. I made the guy I was with go in instead. [smile]
If it isn't already off-limits by law (e.g., schools, federal facilities, etc.) then the sign simply indicates that the owners/managers are either anti-RKBA or have been led to believe that it offers them some legal protection from liability. If you're noticed, all they can do is ask you to leave. Only if you refuse to leave or act like an obnoxious jerk would you have any potential legal troubles.

If you're noticed, all they can do is ask you to leave. Only if you refuse to leave or act like an obnoxious jerk would you have any potential legal troubles.

Here in MA, those signs carry no weight. I'm curious, what business was it that had a "no guns" sign posted? Sounds like an opportunity for a letter writing campaign.
The company I mentioned is trucking company. There were some delivery issues so we ended up having to go pick up the item at their facility. I don't recall the name of the company. :(
I have not seen a no gun sign in any Costco that I've been in yet, and I looked for them. I know that the company position (much like most companies) is no guns, but I could care less about their "position". Everyone has one, just like opinions and a**h***s! [devil]

I was at a Microsoft event at a Burlington theater chain. When I left I saw the ghost-busters "no guns" sign on the exit door glass at the ground level (4-6" off the floor level)! [laugh2] Not sure who their "target audience" is for that sign or if the local manager was made to put it up but also believes it to be Bullshit and put it there as a protest (within corporate guidelines).

These signs worry me not, all they could do if they saw someone carrying a gun is ask them to leave . . . at which point you should do so with haste and that is the end of it wrt legality.

Here in MA, those signs carry no weight. I'm curious, what business was it that had a "no guns" sign posted? Sounds like an opportunity for a letter writing campaign.

The new "Jared's - The Galleria of Jewelry" in Burlington has big gold leaf lettering on the glass on each side of the doors regarding no firearms inside the store. It really caught my attention.
The new "Jared's - The Galleria of Jewelry" in Burlington has big gold leaf lettering on the glass on each side of the doors regarding no firearms inside the store.
Oh, right. Like I'm going to buy an expensive piece of jewelry for Mrs. M1911 and not be packing when I picked it up? Notgonnahapppen.

That's ok. I haven't seen any no gun signs at Ohanians or at Tiffany's, so I guess I'll continue to patronize both of those establishments.
There is a big paragraph about no guns at a jewelry store in the Blackstone Valley Shoppes. I don't know the name of the store but it is sandwiched between Cold Stone Creamery and the Gap near the movies. Something about doesn't matter if it is lawful or not, if you are carrying within the store or on the shopping mall grounds, they will prosecute you or something to that effect.

I thought it was kinda weird but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I should have taken a picture of the signage with my camera phone though.
I thought it was kinda weird but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I should have taken a picture of the signage with my camera phone though.
Please do; I think everyone would like to see it... if only to reference it when we write letters to the company telling them why we won't patronage their stores any more. [rolleyes]

Of course... if it's concealed, how're they gonna know you're carrying? [wink]
Many of the malls are "chains" owned by companies in other states. Same goes for a lot of the mall stores. Thus they make "policies" that all must follow.

- In some states, any sign would invoke their state laws prohibiting carry.

- In some states the signs have to be of a certain size or contain specific wording to meet the legal requirement.

- In some states (MA IS ONE OF THEM) there is NO LEGAL provision for signage invoking any law. Thus you are free to ignore the sign. If your CCW is seen (you weren't "CCW'g" were you?) they can demand you leave and ONLY have you arrested if you refuse to leave . . . the charge would be "criminal trespass". NOTHING else can they do to you legally in MA!
Dear: XXXX

You are correct, the sign refers to unlicensed carrying or transporting of
firearms as well as any transport of alcoholic beverages by the MBTA is
prohibited. We are all governed by Massachusetts State Laws. Please be
advised to check with the bus carrier (e.g. Greyhound) that may have a
policy to not allow persons who are armed to ride on their bus.

Lt. Gary Fredericks
Rapid Transit Day Commander

>>> XXXX <> 01/13/04 >>>


Fredericks is still with MBTA, or at least is quoted by the Globe in that role as recently as Oct06. So if you carry this note in your kit while carrying, you might give any Transit LEOs cause to ponder if they mean to cause you grief. I've still got the original email too!
long time ago{25yrs?) I went to my camp in Me there's a Greyhound terminal in Wiscassett the next town over.A friend bought the tickets using a CC and asked about carrying firearms
on the bus in a case etc. The answer was "no firearms allowed per Federal law"so I took my AR7 put it in my knap sack said nothing and arrived in Me a happy camper. Since then I believe
that it maybe the bus company"s policy.
BTW I didn't have a driver's license or car at the time
... but if you are a MBTA registered Subway Performer, you are prohibited from having a firearm.

"Each Performer is strictly prohibited from carrying or storing firearms while on MBTA property."
Gee... how thoughtful. The MBTA is providing it's muggers guaranteed disarmed victims! Ones with money that's easily accessible, yet!

MaverickNH, I just have to wonder WHY you knew this... [smile]
Ah, I see...

Gotta admit, I'd never seen a street busker with bagpipes until I worked in Boston! I'd have been happier if he could stay on key, too... [crying]
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