Feb 18, 2007
Summerville, SC
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Detail Officer Stops Robber In His Tracks

This morning at 12:05am, while conducting a detail at 776 Dudley Street in, officers observed what appeared to be a robbery in progress. Officers observed a black male yelling and screaming for police as he was chased across the intersection of Columbia Road onto Dudley Street. Officers observed the victim scream, “He is trying to rob me, stop him!”

Officers immediately brought the suspect to the ground as he attempted to run past officers. While the suspect was being subdued on the ground the victim continued to run towards the detail officers with a firearm in his hand. Officers gave the victim lawful commands for him to drop the gun which he immediately did. The victim stated that he had a License to Carry Class A.

The victim stated to officers that two suspects approached him on Stanwood Street and displayed two weapons, one was shotgun carried by the second suspect and the other suspect had a silver handgun. The suspects took the victim and stole the cash from inside. The victim stated that the suspect returned his wallet to him so that he can withdraw cash for them. The victim stated that the suspect forced him to a couple of different ATM machines to withdraw money for the suspect and his accomplice. The victim stated he could not give the suspect any money because his account was over-drawn and that the receipt should be at the ATM machine across the street. Officers walked across the street to the bank where a receipt was found, which matched the victim’s estimated overdrawn amount and also corresponded with the reported time of the incident.

The victim stated that he is an armed security guard with a Class A License to Carry and that he happened to have his firearm on him during this incident. The victim further stated that while he was fumbling with his ATM card, he went for his firearm and pulled it out on the first suspect while screaming for police. The victim stated that the suspect immediately began to run from him while he continued to scream for the police, at which point officers were able to control both parties.

Derek Moon, 19, of Roxbury was arrested and charged with Armed Robbery, Carjacking, Assault by means of a Dangerous Weapon and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and Kidnapping.

I guess the BG with the shotgun made good his escape. It reads as though the BPD did a good job in taking control of the situation.
Best Regards.
The writing on that article is abysmal.

Good on the vic for carrying and the police for not hassling him.

Actually, it is one of the better written publications.[wink]
See for yourself:wwwBPDnews.com
I agree that the police handled the CCW victim better than I ever thought they would.
Best Regards.
I'm sooo confooosed!

I'm confused. So the victim (the guy with the LTC-A and his firearm in his hand) was being CHASED by the suspect!??!?? HOW does THAT happen?
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