Uvalde mass shooting victims' families suing Meta, gun manufacturer and video game maker

I was wondering when a hungry attorney was going to chase the potentially huge money by naming COD game as an "assistive tool". And of course the pot gets sweetened by naming the gun manufacture DD. "Three Headed Monster". I love the guilty biased anti-2a language hot off the press.
None of those mass shootings would have happened if the shooters starved to death. Thus a quick check of their food shopping habits should reveal the -true- enablers of those heinous crimes.

Conclusion- ban/ sue into
bankruptcy supermarkets, McDonald’s and whoever else provides food to those degenerates. Let’s address the problem at the core. That would teach them.
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Blame companies for what police failed to do. Makes sense.

This is all lawyers looking to get a payday and leading these families into lawsuits.

Tort reform was gonna be a thing years ago. But Clinton was in office. Two attorneys were NEVER going to let tort reform happen in the US. They killed it in the DNC. Too bad. It would be nice if people had to put up or shut up in certain cases.
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