NES Member
BRP E-bd meets first Monday of the month, all ranges are open. Member meeting is 2nd Monday, dinner is served before the meeting (at no cost). We ask that no one shoot during members meeting because if you are at the club, you should come to the meeting. It rarely goes over 45 minutes. Old Colony Collectors meets 3rd Monday, ranges are all open. Rifle team shoots Tuesday nights from 7-10 in season (fall/winter) in range 2, range 1 is still open. 2-hand pistol shoots Wednesdays nights in season in range 2, range 1 is open. Pistol Team shoots Thursday nights 7-10 in range 2, 1 is open. Juniors meet every Friday 7-9 year round in range 2, 1 is open. CMP meets every month except Jan and Feb on the 3rd Saturday on the rifle range, all other ranges are open. This schedule has been in place for 30+ years.
With very very few exceptions when an event is in progress it is taking up only one of 2 or several ranges.
E-Bd meetings are open to anyone that wants to attend. I've been an E-Bd member for 13 years and can count on one hand the number of members that have showed up to observe in those years.
Out of ~6k members maybe 60 show up for members meeting and most only because it's a free dinner and combined with a RO meeting after. Before we offered food with the meeting we would get maybe 12 members to show up.
BRP is not a business. We are not there to please whomever happens to need a place to shoot. We are a club formed of like minded individuals that wish to promote and participate in the shooting sports. The E-Bd members give hundreds of hours of effort to the club every year. We do it for the benefit of the club as a non-profit organization devoted to the shooting sports. We invite every member to every event.
It has been described as thus: the club used to be like a yacht club where all the members met and shared their sport with others. It's being treated like a marina where you hand your boat to the dock hand and want him to wash it and put it away.
We can organize the events, maintain the club and ranges and manage the finances all while keeping the membership mostly happy.
It's $125 a year to be a member at BRP. I myself am a member at another club also. If you can't find the perfect club, maybe a combination of 2 or 3 might work for you. If you are unhappy with whatever the Braintree club does or does not you can come to some meetings and find out if you can help out.
Or not.
But if you get offended by an email and vent it out over a bbs maybe you should have come to a few meetings instead.
not a member at brp, BUT----
good post ne1hu