Braintree Rifle & Pistol Club - Braintree, MA

So can I just pay the membership fee in full for 2011 and get my card re-activated? Or must I go through orientation again?
Hey Len,
When are the monthly meeting/RO meetings scheduled for? I thought it was first Monday of the month but I may be wrong and couldn't find it on the main site but I probably just missed it on the newly designed page.
Hey Len,
When are the monthly meeting/RO meetings scheduled for? I thought it was first Monday of the month but I may be wrong and couldn't find it on the main site but I probably just missed it on the newly designed page.

Every time I turn around Paul is changing the website. [laugh]

This URL should work for meeting schedules:

The RO meeting takes place a few minutes after the regular Members meeting, once people quiet down. [wink]

Members meetings are usually the 2nd Monday at 7PM, except when it falls on a holiday (including so-called "minor holidays") in which case it gets pushed out to the 3rd Monday. Annual meeting is in December, always the 2nd Sunday at the DAV Hall, with free lunch (and the DAV open the bar after the meeting). Members meetings all have a free dinner starting ~5:30PM before the meeting begins at 7PM.
Every time I turn around Paul is changing the website. [laugh]

This URL should work for meeting schedules:

The RO meeting takes place a few minutes after the regular Members meeting, once people quiet down. [wink]

Members meetings are usually the 2nd Monday at 7PM, except when it falls on a holiday (including so-called "minor holidays") in which case it gets pushed out to the 3rd Monday. Annual meeting is in December, always the 2nd Sunday at the DAV Hall, with free lunch (and the DAV open the bar after the meeting). Members meetings all have a free dinner starting ~5:30PM before the meeting begins at 7PM.

Thanks for the help!

Although the message went out to everyone on the club mailing list the rifle range will be closed
come July, I was told that the contractor isn't going to start on the rifle range until 8/1 so expect
that closing date might get modified.

Although the message went out to everyone on the club mailing list the rifle range will be closed
come July, I was told that the contractor isn't going to start on the rifle range until 8/1 so expect
that closing date might get modified.

IIRC Joe Norman said that they were to start on July 18th through early August, hopefully taking only a couple weeks to complete given cooperative weather.
I just joined here on Sunday and would recommend it to anyone in the area. Friendly RO's and board members, open 24/7, and plenty of facilities for everyone. Orientation is informative and you get a tour of all the facilities.
Just got word from Joe that the Rifle range will be closed on 18 July and stay closed until deleading has been completed.....
Just my luck. After doing my research and finally deciding on a club to join I go to the BRP website to signup for this weekends class and it's no longer an option. I don't have the funds atm to join multiple clubs and waiting till September for the next class isn't something I can see myself doing. I emailed hoping for the best so fingers crossed.
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Just my luck. After doing my research and finally deciding on a club to join I go to the BRP website to signup for this weekends class and it's no longer an option. I don't have the funds atm to join multiple clubs and waiting till September for the next class isn't something I can see myself doing. I emailed hoping for the best so fingers crossed.

Sorry but you are too late. The July new member class was on last Sunday. Next one is September as many are on vacation in August. Only way to join is to attend a new member class where they go over all the rules for each range, walk you around and explain what you can and can't do and where.
Sorry but you are too late. The July new member class was on last Sunday. Next one is September as many are on vacation in August. Only way to join is to attend a new member class where they go over all the rules for each range, walk you around and explain what you can and can't do and where.

I somehow mixed up the date. Completely my own fault. Thanks for the response.
Just an update on being late on membership fees. I was allowed to pay the dues for 2011 -- no issue. Just an fyi that the dues + late fee came to $140 and not the $130 listed on the BRP's website.

Edit: Not complaining. By all rights they could have asked that I go back through member orientation and pay a $150 registration fee...I was that late on paying dues.
Anyone know if they started working on the rifle range yet. I was there in the middle of the week and nothing had been done at all.
I expect the shut down will be a long 'three weeks if this continues like the work on the other ranges. Can't blame the weather on
this delay.
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Anyone know if they started working on the rifle range yet. I was there in the middle of the week and nothing had been done at all.
I expect the shut down will be a long 'three weeks if this continues like the work on the other ranges. Can't blame the weather on
this delay.

As of yesterday, no work on the rifle range has been started. Be prepared for extensions to the time frame. [thinking]
As of yesterday, no work on the rifle range has been started. Be prepared for extensions to the time frame. [thinking]

Wouldn't it be nice if the range was shut down when they actually were going to start the work vs. when
they say they are going to do it. They have no credibility when it comes to scheduling their work and I
can't understand why the club would put any stock in what they say.
Wouldn't it be nice if the range was shut down when they actually were going to start the work vs. when
they say they are going to do it. They have no credibility when it comes to scheduling their work and I
can't understand why the club would put any stock in what they say.

As you wish. Joe just sent out an email expressing that the rifle range will now be open until a date is agreed upon for lead removal.
As you wish. Joe just sent out an email expressing that the rifle range will now be open until a date is agreed upon for lead removal.

I’m fairly new to the club but was wondering if anyone knew if there are any plans to expand the plinking area at the club? Does it get much usage?
I’m fairly new to the club but was wondering if anyone knew if there are any plans to expand the plinking area at the club? Does it get much usage?

I can't speak for the club officially, as I'm merely a member and RO but I've been there long enough to know that it would be extremely unlikely for any of the ranges to be "expanded". Constant improvements are made, but there have been no plans for any expansions since I've been a member (>10 years).

The right-most pistol range gets a lot of use, but I've never seen more than 1 or 2 people at the plinking range at any one time and it goes unused most of the time that I've been there.
I know there are regulations against drawing and shooting from a holster (must be raised from the bench), but any regulations against practicing using an empty firearm?
Why not practice drawing from your holster at home? People are not going to know it empty until they interrupt you. So, if you ask me.....don't do it. My 2¢'s.

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Some interesting news from BR&P.

I spoke with the person responsible for upgrading the ventilation system in the "old range" building last night at the meeting and learned the following:

- They will be installing a HEPA filtration system in the old range. State of the art system which should be awesome!
- They already started doing some prep work on the ventilation system in that building.
- They hope to have the system in and working by the end of November!!

It'll be great to have TWO indoor ranges with superb HEPA systems so that shooters can enjoy the club without fear of ingesting lead dust/other nasty by-products of combustion.

[cheers] [dance] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Awesome news!! There have been times when I've walked into the old range with people shooting who forgot to turn the vents on and you could barely see the targets through all the smoke. Lead dust is always a concern of mine and this will be a great benefit to the club!
looks like I will have to hit the rifle range this weekend. Ill bring some Rusky rifles I have been meaning to break in.

Better make that late Saturday or on Sunday!

CMP Match will likely run to ~1PM on Saturday and then the women have an all day for new shooters event until 3PM. They will likely take no more than 5 benches on the rifle range however, perhaps fewer as no ranges (other than the new indoor range) are closed to members on Saturday. [Note: The women's event will be on all ranges from ~10AM to 3PM, but other than the new indoor range, they must share the use of the other ranges with regular members.]
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