
Oct 1, 2007
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What is the thinking behind loading a shotgun with alternating buckshot and slugs? Id understand loading buck with a couple of slugs at the end, but not alternating.
I know an old (84yo) deer hunter who's done it that way all his life. I never got into the technical reasons with him, not being a hunter myself. But now you've got me curious ...
Some hunters start with a slug and follow that with buck shot. The thinking is that the first shot will be the best aimmed shot, while the buck shot will most likely be used on a running deer.

Others hunt with only buck and plan on kicking up deer while still hunting and making only running shots.

When I hunt deer with a shotgun, I hunt with slugs and limit myself to good shots that I can make. It's a safety thing with me.


for home defense i perfer a slug as the first round followed by 00buck. my thinking is that i want the rediculous knockdown power of a 12ga slug but if i cant hit him with the first shot, i need to be spraying buckshot his way for an increased hit likelyhood. also i think of the first shot as buing the longer range which would be better for a slug, and if he continues to pose a threat (closes the distance) then a tight pattern of buckshot would be most effective
What is the thinking behind loading a shotgun with alternating buckshot and slugs? Id understand loading buck with a couple of slugs at the end, but not alternating.

Ignorance. Very few people use buckshot correctly. Most simply spray and pray. Those that do use it correctly use it like turkey loads in a designated and properly choked gun. Properly choked and patterned like a turkey load it can be very effective.

I use slugs only. A scoped tackdriver for sitting and an open sighted sluggun for walking.
Ignorance. Very few people use buckshot correctly. Most simply spray and pray. Those that do use it correctly use it like turkey loads in a designated and properly choked gun. Properly choked and patterned like a turkey load it can be very effective.

Do people shoot Turkeys with buckshot or am I missing something? I must be missing something.
Buck shot




I think the slug is the most ethical way. Buck shot is more likely to injure the deer, and leave him to die a few days later.

The slugs also give a bigger entrance wound. Letting the blood flow easier, making it easier to track the deer, etc.

Use slugs.
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I use to use slug, buck, slug, slug on my grandfathers advise. I think he was wrong. I use nothing but sabot slugs in a rifled barrel now. Swamp hunters who use buck shot because the feel the shots will be closer and faster probally shouldnt be shooting in the first place if they cant see their target clearly enough for a well placed shot
Do people shoot Turkeys with buckshot or am I missing something? I must be missing something.

Depends on how big the turkeys are Bob.... [smile]

What you missed is there is a correlation between turkey hunting (with turkey loads) and hunting deer with buckshot. In both situations the proper thing to do is choke the gun properly so you get an effective pattern at you anticipated shot ranges.

With a typical smoothbore slug barrel buckshot is almost useless beyond 30 yards other mostly than wounding deer. Properly choked it will provide a basketball sized pattern well beyond that range.
When I hunt deer with a shotgun, I hunt with slugs and limit myself to good shots that I can make. It's a safety thing with me.

+1 rep point added. If you can't make a good shot with a slug, then you shouldn't be taking the shot.
for home defense i perfer a slug as the first round followed by 00buck. my thinking is that i want the rediculous knockdown power of a 12ga slug but if i cant hit him with the first shot, i need to be spraying buckshot his way for an increased hit likelyhood. also

"knockdown power" is a myth.
"spraying buckshot his way" is no way to win the fight.
Home defense means defending the home safely. Slugs flying through drywall and buckshot being sprayed around is not the preferred way to do it
I was looking for info re: HD.

The purpose of slugs is increased accuracy at longer range. Unless you live out in the boonies, it his highly unlikely that you'll need to make a 25 yard shot.

Stick with buckshot for home defense.
"knockdown power" is a myth.
"spraying buckshot his way" is no way to win the fight.
Home defense means defending the home safely. Slugs flying through drywall and buckshot being sprayed around is not the preferred way to do it

The best way is to use frangible ammunition inside a building. Below is a video of a entry round.


Winchester and other manufactures also market a frangible buck shot round. This way you can still stick with the "Buck...Slug..Buck.." formation.
My stacking principle comes from no formal education on the subject other than an old time retired LEO. This was in my early 20's when I met this retired man who told me he always carried a buck, buck, pumpkin ball, pumpkin ball buck, buck combo in his gun. Honestly, I don't remember exactly why he said it was a good thing to do -I only know that he seemed to make sense. For HD, I'm stacked with 00, 00, SST, SST, 00, SST....
The purpose of slugs is increased accuracy at longer range. Unless you live out in the boonies, it his highly unlikely that you'll need to make a 25 yard shot.

Stick with buckshot for home defense.

Sorry ... i should have said self-defense rather than home defense. This would include zombies outdoors ;)
Sorry ... i should have said self-defense rather than home defense. This would include zombies outdoors ;)

In what situation would you need to use your shotgun outdoors? In MA, if you are outside your home, you must retreat if it is safe to do so. This is true if you are on your lawn.

Under what situation would you need to make a 25+ yard shot outside of your home? And if you did need to do so, why would you want to have buckshot in your gun at all?

I just don't understand at all these staggered loads. What is it that you are trying to achieve by using a staggered load?
I just don't understand at all these staggered loads. What is it that you are trying to achieve by using a staggered load?

It doesn't make much sense to me either from a HD standpoint.

You need to think about the advantages of each and how they apply.

Slugs concentate all the mass into one spot, buck spreads it out.

Slugs will penetrate and pass through walls easier. Benefit or liability?

Slugs require a little more accuracy close range and a lot more at longer ranges.

What is accomplished by stacking?

If you are anticipating longer ranges for the third and 4th shots does that not mean the suspect is probably fleeing? An intruder shot in the back with a slug is probably not going to serve you well.

I personally would stick to all buckshot in a moderately choked gun.
The best way is to use frangible ammunition inside a building. Below is a video of a entry round.


Winchester and other manufactures also market a frangible buck shot round. This way you can still stick with the "Buck...Slug..Buck.." formation.

Way cool ammo. But does he really need to be dressed up like that to demonstrated it?!?
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