"Budget LPVOs"?

Sep 3, 2021
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How budget is too budget? Lots of folks in gun forums laugh at anything Monstrum level but for a cheap range plinker beater AR and not something I'm planning to kit myself when SHTF and run off into the woods/mountains with a plate carrier an shiet what's so bad about cheap Chinese glass? I get schooled enough by larpers who tell me anything less than an EO Vudu is for cucks.

Anyone with experience with "Triton"? And their 1-6X second focal offerings? Last I heard they are owned subsidiary of Truglo. For $120 with mount, the new chevron Christmas tree reticle looks nice. Hopefully primary arms won't sue their ass.

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I’m not really sure how to answer. For $120 with mount, why not just give it a try? If it works out, great, if not, sell it here for $50 and move on to something else. Primary Arms is a good place for budget optics, I’d also look at the Vortex crossfire. At least Vortex is a well established brand with great warranty, and you can normally find them for up to 30% off retail fairly easily. You might also want to check out Athlon.
How budget is too budget? Lots of folks in gun forums laugh at anything Monstrum level but for a cheap range plinker beater AR and not something I'm planning to kit myself when SHTF and run off into the woods/mountains with a plate carrier an shiet what's so bad about cheap Chinese glass? I get schooled enough by larpers who tell me anything less than an EO Vudu is for cucks.

Anyone with experience with "Triton"? And their 1-6X second focal offerings? Last I heard they are owned subsidiary of Truglo. For $120 with mount, the new chevron Christmas tree reticle looks nice. Hopefully primary arms won't sue their ass.

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I really like the marketing photoshopped pic showing field of view at 100 yards. [rofl]

That is all I need to know.
I’m not really sure how to answer. For $120 with mount, why not just give it a try? If it works out, great, if not, sell it here for $50 and move on to something else. Primary Arms is a good place for budget optics, I’d also look at the Vortex crossfire. At least Vortex is a well established brand with great warranty, and you can normally find them for up to 30% off retail fairly easily. You might also want to check out Athlon.
Yeah I ordered one to put on an old M&P Sport II lower and a $200 PSA pencil upper laying around with no real sights. Why not, right? I have a Monstrum Panzer 1-10 FFP on another build and it's been solid dead zeroed and good for the last 800 rounds. Then again, I don't purposely drop these things optic first on the ground to test its ruggedness haha. Maybe it's not built to the same bombproof level as a Vudu or a Razor but who cares
The 1X on cheap LPVOs, even on the cheap swamp foxes are problematic even for a range plinker. They’re a lot more like 1.5X with a fish eye lens. And that’s enough to annoy the crap out of me and make me not want to shoot with it.

I’d do cheap ass 1X optic like a dot all day long on a range plinker. Or a cheap scope with more magnification. But LPVOs, for me, is where the cheap ones really suck even for a range plinker. Because That 1X is mostly where I’m gonna be using it. And the 1X is really awful on cheap LPVOs, for the most part.
I bought the Tacticon Armament 1-4x24 LPVO that came with cantilevel mount. Put it on my Ruger AR10. Amazing. Honestly, no complaints. Sights held, no canting, glass is so clear its nonexistant, amazing eye relief. When I got a few years ago it was $99 on promo, now it's $165. I'd still buy it. Veteran owned company too.

Depends on whos answering. Id say you can get something decent enough for a few hundred for just playing around with.

I had an instructor in a class also say a vortex Razor is a budget lpvo.
I bought the Tacticon Armament 1-4x24 LPVO that came with cantilevel mount. Put it on my Ruger AR10. Amazing. Honestly, no complaints. Sights held, no canting, glass is so clear its nonexistant, amazing eye relief. When I got a few years ago it was $99 on promo, now it's $165. I'd still buy it. Veteran owned company too.

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With guns like these on their ads, how can you not buy one? Shoulda hired this dude as an extra on that Homestead series.

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I bought the Tacticon Armament 1-4x24 LPVO that came with cantilevel mount. Put it on my Ruger AR10. Amazing. Honestly, no complaints. Sights held, no canting, glass is so clear its nonexistant, amazing eye relief. When I got a few years ago it was $99 on promo, now it's $165. I'd still buy it. Veteran owned company too.

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I looked at that one and seriously considered it after reading the reviews. But the simple duplex cross wasn't what I was looking for. Already used to Primary Arms' ACSS V. Which was one of the reasons why I didn't wanna get a Sig Tango. Great budget glass but the reticles are ass. Monstrum has some better looking reticles to me but people at the range see the big M on my rig and might lol.
With guns like these on their ads, how can you not buy one? Shoulda hired this dude as an extra on that Homestead series.

View attachment 971988View attachment 971989
F*ck yeah.
Look at those wrist bands.
Look at the tattoos and bicep.
That 10 day old beard.
The mechanix gloves!

This dude f*cks. If he likes the optics, I like the optics.

Forget about the photoshopped pic with a red reticle that looks nothing like the actual reticle. I AM IN. OPERATOR AF!
I bought a $20 LPVO for my kids BB gun from Ollie’s
Eye relief? Depends on magnification
FOV? I guess so
Clarity? Do you really need to see what your aiming at?

From my research Primary Arms is the go to for a decent LPVO without spending a mortgage payment
I bought a $20 LPVO for my kids BB gun from Ollie’s
Eye relief? Depends on magnification
FOV? I guess so
Clarity? Do you really need to see what your aiming at?

From my research Primary Arms is the go to for a decent LPVO without spending a mortgage payment
Hope their magnified optics are better than their dots. I'm 1 for 3 for dots. Old advanced micro dot still good, no blue tint, no distortion, and crisp bright 2 MOA red dot. First gen MD-25 ACSS the right half of the optic turned noticeably blue and borderline unusable. Figured I'd try their 'Gen 2' MD-25 ACSS with the auto-live shake awake. Nope, after a year and half, right side of the glass turning bluer and bluer.. probably nitrogen leak? I know I can send it back but at this point, probably will just go with another brand like a simple Holosun dot.
Hope their magnified optics are better than their dots. I'm 1 for 3 for dots. Old advanced micro dot still good, no blue tint, no distortion, and crisp bright 2 MOA red dot. First gen MD-25 ACSS the right half of the optic turned noticeably blue and borderline unusable. Figured I'd try their 'Gen 2' MD-25 ACSS with the auto-live shake awake. Nope, after a year and half, right side of the glass turning bluer and bluer.. probably nitrogen leak? I know I can send it back but at this point, probably will just go with another brand like a simple Holosun dot.
Huh I’ve never had any problems with my PA stuff over the years but it is/was all older
Hope their magnified optics are better than their dots. I'm 1 for 3 for dots. Old advanced micro dot still good, no blue tint, no distortion, and crisp bright 2 MOA red dot. First gen MD-25 ACSS the right half of the optic turned noticeably blue and borderline unusable. Figured I'd try their 'Gen 2' MD-25 ACSS with the auto-live shake awake. Nope, after a year and half, right side of the glass turning bluer and bluer.. probably nitrogen leak? I know I can send it back but at this point, probably will just go with another brand like a simple Holosun dot.

Maybe it’s just their MD-25 that sucks?

I’ve had one of these (cheapest optic I own) for years with zero issues. Admittedly only on a 22lr AR, but I toss it around when packing up for the range.

F*ck yeah.
Look at those wrist bands.
Look at the tattoos and bicep.
That 10 day old beard.
The mechanix gloves!

This dude f*cks. If he likes the optics, I like the optics.

Forget about the photoshopped pic with a red reticle that looks nothing like the actual reticle. I AM IN. OPERATOR AF!
(Mountain orders fake tattoo sleeves for next NES advisory board meeting)
Primary arms SLX or Vortex Strike Eagle are the lowest I’d go.

Why go with some rando China-OEM company with unknown warranty quality or company lifespan?
It's like putting $2K rims on a 2008 Corolla. The whole rifle is under $350 lol. M&P Sport lower, PSA pencil upper, $25 ambi charging handle, Toolcraft bolt. It runs tho! Shouldn't I be running the cheapest usable flint optic possible to match the build?
It's like putting $2K rims on a 2008 Corolla. The whole rifle is under $350 lol. M&P Sport lower, PSA pencil upper, $25 ambi charging handle, Toolcraft bolt. It runs tho! Shouldn't I be running the cheapest usable flint optic possible to match the build?

Cheapest rifle reasonable vs cheapest optic reasonable are two separate scales.

The benefit of the vortex is you’ll always be able to get it replaced no matter what. That doesn’t help with a life/death gun, but for a range gun it is perfect. Actually, for a range-only gun the Vortex Venom 1-6 would also be okay for the same warranty reason.
I can get sig tango MSR 1-8x24 30mm for about $350 right now. That’s a pretty good middle ground as far as “budget”
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