Bulgarian AK Clone SSR-85C


NES Member
Jul 31, 2008
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I've been consider purchasing an AK-47 clone for some time and all of the recent AK related post has caused me to act sooner rather than later. I'm not looking to spend 1,000 or more on a top of the line Arsenal model.

I've found some websites that are selling a SSR-85C, without the bayonet lug as well as with a welded muzzle brake.



Some of the AK related forums talk about these being cobbled together AKs, akin to the WASR; while other forums praise the rifle.

Does anyone have any experience with this series of rifles?
Yeah, I saw the disclaimer on the Centerfire Systems site, but not the Classic Arms site. I mainly included the links for illustrative purposes.

I found a couple of shops in MA that have the synthetic stock SSR-85C in inventory.
Yep, unfortunately both sites have been spooked by the AG's office into not shipping to Mass.
I tried having AK variants sent to 01 FFLs and both refused.

Zero Hour can probably get them from one of their distributors and I think M&M's in Plymouth has a few Arsenal AK variants in stock. Better off suporting a Mass shop anyway even if it means paying what I call the "Mass fee". It often equals out to shipping plus transfer fee, and you can check it out with no obligation to own.
I own one SSR-85. It is a good AK. Mine was made of all 100% new parts and came without bayo lag and with thick barrel. BTW, trigger is 2-hooked G2.
Collectors Gallery in Stoneham was selling them from Lew Horton distributors a few months back and I would've bought from them if there was a need for a 2-d AK. These are Bulgarian rifles with some desirable features like 1.6-mm thick receivers. One needs to be careful to get one without rust and well-assembled. Their newer distributor, TGI in Tennessee, has a questionable reputation, but those imported by Arsenal USA in Texas were flawless and comparable to Arsenal Inc rifles, which these days cost 2X of the SSR-85.
But overall, I think these could be easily the best AK available new in Mass, if you get lucky and choose carefully.
Hope this helps.
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