Bulgarian and Russian AK74s are nearly identical in design. In fact, early variants of the bulgarian '74 were in fact made out of russian parts with their serial #'s scrubbed. If you find a Bulgy '74 with the "double rivet" front trunnion, it's really russian steel.
For example- here's a bulgy AK74 (mine):
and here's a Russian AK74 (built from a '88 kit... notice the dimpled barrel components)
granted, you can get russian AK74's from Arsenal, or convert Saiga 5.45 rifles and have what is basically a 100% russian rifle. They have russian barrels, russian receivers, and a few US parts to make them 922r compliant. Arsenal Bulgy SLR's are built on Bulgarian receivers. That is one of the bigger differences between the two. My bulgy ak74 is bulgarian parts (barrel included) built on a US made NODAK receiver. So mine fits a 3rd category.
Polish Tantal's are a different approach to the platform primarily because of their muzzle brake and (typically) their folding AKM stock:
Typically these are Polish parts kits assembled on US receivers. I am not entirely sure about their current build origins. Someone else can explain that. They're pretty sweet as far as the AK74 platfor goes- about as unique as you can get.
There are romanian ak74 variants as well- WASR2's:
They're typically a little sloppier builds- but they're fairly rare in the US. Built on Romanian receivers, imported usually by Century Arms. One of the more unique things about the Romy AK74 is that it has a 45 degree gas return block, instead of the typical 90 degree GRB. It's one of those quirks that make it pretty interesting.
Most of these will display similar accuracy. The 5.45x39 round is a pretty good combloc caliber.
You can get any of these in Massachusetts. It may take some work, but it's not hard. Places like Henderson Defense out in Arizona will make an Arsenal rifle Massachusetts AWB compliant and ship it to a FFL here for a small price. There are other places that will do the same. If you live in NY, they'll do the same thing for you.
If you live in a free state, none of that concerns you.