Bullet proof vest

A couple years ago I was in full "Get ready for when the SHTF" mode. Part of that was stockpiling food, water, ammo, NBC Gas Masks, BOBs, water filtration units and yes, two level 3 vests. One for me and one for the wife. At the time it seemed like the thing to do. They sit with my other gear. As I think back, I wish I had some of that money back, but if things ever do go wrong, I'm pretty sure I'll be happy I have them.

I doubt I'd put it on though if I heard something go bump in the night.
The Safariland Level IIs arent bad comfort wise and its just a small arms vest

A Safariland Interceptor Vest is a full plated Rifle Vest which the cops would highly frown on. They come in different types and range new 5-8k
Dragon Skin?


theres the link I saw some of this stuff on mail call, and they hand grenaded a vest after a few hundred rounds of various calibers, hard core rifle rounds from an AK mostly, some pistol and some MP5. It blew the guts out the front but the inner lining that lies against the flesh/tshirt was unscathed nothing penetrated. [shocked] Apparently the best shit out there if its true. Looks real good, what do you guys think?
MassMark said it. I saw an episode of Futureweapons where they tested the Dragon Skin that vest is sick. A grenade, 30 rnds of .223 then 30rnds of 7.62 and the vest was ripped to shred on the outside but not one frag or round found it's way threw. Why is this not current issue for the troops?
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