Bulletproof Whiteboard for Teachers......Yah Sure


NES Member
Jul 21, 2012
Raynham MA
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This is a good idea.......[rofl]

[video]http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/22044179/bulletproof-whiteboards-rocori?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId =8799667[/video]
What a waste of money. $300 each? I'm sure they will disappear quickly just like everything else that isn't bolted down in a school. Also, something about the chief seems a little off... He just seems angry.
I got that beat. My daughters school has bullet proof curtains! J/K but seriously they had an active shooter drill for the school when my daughter was in lunch. She said her and the approx 75 other kids were told to hide behind the curtain by the stage at the end of the cafeteria and be silent! Wtf good is that!?
I got that beat. My daughters school has bullet proof curtains! J/K but seriously they had an active shooter drill for the school when my daughter was in lunch. She said her and the approx 75 other kids were told to hide behind the curtain by the stage at the end of the cafeteria and be silent! Wtf good is that!?

Good for the shooter I guess.

I started to take a look at the ballistic backpack inserts. Just started so I don't know brands, sizes, etc. but those sure as hell beat the whiteboard idea.
Holy shit that is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. The chief looks pretty weird when showing how it can be used as a weapon.
We trust teachers with our children for 8 hours a day. Sometimes more. We trust that they will not molest them, physically or mentally abuse them or in any other way harm them. And we don't have any problem with guns in schools, as long as the gun is in the possession of a cop- who we more than likely would not trust our child to for 8 hours a day.

Solution to the problem? Arm teachers and have them train regularly, just like cops. You gotta be stupid to not see this. The teachers are the most trusted people in any locality and they are the front line of defense in the case of a shooter. So fricking arm them all ready and be done with the whole goddamn problem.
The demonstration where he showed how to strike the gun out of a guys hand with it... well... seemed to defeat it's ballistic properties.
Sounds about right -- the fiscal year ends in June, now comes the spending orgy in public schools to use up all unallocated funds, so they buy junk like this and similar worthless high-ticket supplies (e.g. smartboards).

Then the district can cry poor mouth to the state legislature that they don't have enough money..."It's for the children" after all. The $300 per unit would be much better spent on sidearms for teachers, IMO.
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I figure you can get the whole class and teacher behind that whiteboard.[rolleyes]
I am sure every teacher would prefer that over a handgun. [rolleyes]

I can see my old 3rd grade teacher Mrs Mcgreary using that offensively (right). she was probably 60, but at 8, I thought she was 100.

I understand the liberal mind (sort of ) , but don't understand the aversion to defensive guns in schools. Whether held by cops, trained guards or teachers. How can anyone see this as a bad idea when their children are involved ?

if calling 911 is considered an acceptable solution, why isn't proactively installing guards (instant 911) a good solution??

makes no sense.
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I got that beat. My daughters school has bullet proof curtains! J/K but seriously they had an active shooter drill for the school when my daughter was in lunch. She said her and the approx 75 other kids were told to hide behind the curtain by the stage at the end of the cafeteria and be silent! Wtf good is that!?
Because throwing pencils at the bad guy like VA Tech recommends is seen as bullying. What maroons!
Have you met any of the people employed as teachers these days? Most couldn't fill out a LTC application without spelling errors, let alone pass a background check. /sarc
I am a teacher and a VET. I beg to differ with your comment slightly. I would offer that most teachers would REFUSE to fill them out in the first place. I filled mine out quite adequately I must say and carry often. What chaps me is I am not allowed to carry in the one place where I could be of the most service for most of my day. I talked with admin about it and got about as far as you would expect. My students were split on the idea of teachers carrying in school or not. But almost all of them wanted me to be the one carrying.
I am a teacher and I can only think of 3-4 that would have the foresight and the marbles to face down a shooter. This product is also assuming it would be within arms reach at all times. Are you supposed to wear it around your neck? seems like an opportunistic hysteria sales gimmick.

I am a teacher and a VET. I beg to differ with your comment slightly. I would offer that most teachers would REFUSE to fill them out in the first place. I filled mine out quite adequately I must say and carry often. What chaps me is I am not allowed to carry in the one place where I could be of the most service for most of my day. I talked with admin about it and got about as far as you would expect. My students were split on the idea of teachers carrying in school or not. But almost all of them wanted me to be the one carrying.

There used to be a bumper sticker that read "If you can read this, thank a teacher." I should have proofed my post a bit closer. The lack of an "M" really changed the meaning. It should have read (and now does) " Have you met many of the people employed as teachers these days?"

You're right, many would not want to be a gun owner because guns are sooo scary.

My wife is a teacher, but not in a public school. And yes, many teachers are good people. I purchased my everyday carry LCP from a teacher. So, no offense intended. Besides, the wife will probably read this and I'll be shut off ---- again -- due to my failure to proofread!
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