Bushmaster Weapons Testing Irks Windham, Maine Neighbors

May 17, 2009
Harrison, Maine
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Weary of living with the rat-a-tat noise from rifle tests, neighbors of Bushmaster Firearms in North Windham are trying to figure out a way to make it stop.

But the company, one of the region's large employers, said the outdoor weapons testing is necessary for its business, and follows all local and state laws.

Last week, a half-dozen homeowners on both sides of Route 302 near the firearms manufacturer descended on the Windham Town Council to see what could be done about the noise, which can occur anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., five days a week, and sometimes on weekends.

I heard they were pulling up stakes and heading to New York state somewhere (near Remington). I figured they got sick of this state and it's hatred of all things profit-driven.
It won't be good for North Windham or the employees if Bushmaster moves out of state. These neighbors should start to think of the people who stand to lose their jobs, and how they would feel if it happened to them. In this economy they should be glad to have a flourishing business in town. The neighbors shouldn't be surprised when their neighbors who lose their jobs at Bushmaster come and knock on their door. If people in my town were complaining about a little noise at my workplace, and I heard rumor my employer was thinking of packing up and moving, you bet I would let it known I wasn't happy. Businesses make noise, but they also make jobs. Take the good with the bad and be happy that something is actually doing well right now. Ignorance rules the world these days.
So typical of the Maine attitude. I also love the typical Aroostook County response to anyone from elsewhere who is talking sense. It is, "You don't know shit!"
This is my kind of guy:
Robert Grondin, patriarch of the R.J. Grondin company and resident of Raymond, has owned the pit off Enterprise Drive for 40 years. In that time, he has allowed Maine State Police, Windham police and the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office to test their weapons in the pit. He says no one is complaining about the noise except for the residents, whom he said "ought to be working rather than home during the day. Then they wouldn't hear anything."
Weary of living with the rat-a-tat noise from rifle tests, neighbors of Bushmaster Firearms in North Windham are trying to figure out a way to make it stop.

... the noise, which can occur anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., five days a week, and sometimes on weekends.

Go. To. work.
If you're unemployed see if, maybe, bushie's hiring [thinking]

Personally, unless you're living room is on the range then how big of a noise issue is this really? Sounds like an ideological gripe. If they want to see what it's like to have noise to complain about then move next to an active air station. (but for me F4's -> F18's were always some the best 'noise' I'd ever heard)
I think this kind of thing will be the icing on the cake for Bushmaster pulling up stakes - frankly, I don't blame them. I don't however, think that a Bushmaster move out of Maine would be more than just a coincidence regarding this story. Since Cerberus successfully swallowed up most of the firearms industry, (Remington, Bushmaster, Cobb, Marlin, DPMS, NEF, H&R and I think Rossi), a consolidation of forces is a natural next event....

Maybe they can open up a paintball center in the abandoned Bushmaster building - or perhaps a thrift store...[thinking]
wow cerebus is really got their hands into everything. I know they also owend chrysler for a while before they went broke. I wonder what else they own.
Bushmaster has been around since at least the late 80's. The pit appears to have been used regularly as a ad-hoc range for a very long time. These people likely bought there property knowing this, yet complain after the fact. Reminds me of the dirtbags in the condos behind the firing line at BRP. Their typical response is to demand that someone else invest the money in to correct their short sightedness.
Weary of living with the rat-a-tat noise from rifle tests, neighbors of Bushmaster Firearms in North Windham are trying to figure out a way to make it stop.

But the company, one of the region's large employers, said the outdoor weapons testing is necessary for its business, and follows all local and state laws.

Last week, a half-dozen homeowners on both sides of Route 302 near the firearms manufacturer descended on the Windham Town Council to see what could be done about the noise, which can occur anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., five days a week, and sometimes on weekends.


Here's a suggestion:

Someone should tell the Bushmaster neighbors to enjoy that noise. It's the sound of freedom. I would much rather hear that noise than the silence imposed by Big Brother.
Here's a revalation; if you don't want to listen to the noise of gun fire, don't buy a home next to a proving ground.

Yeah, it's like buying a house in Rockaway Beach and then complaining to the city about the noise at J.F.K. airport, and from the airliners flying 400 feet above your house.

wow cerebus is really got their hands into everything. I know they also owend chrysler for a while before they went broke. I wonder what else they own.

While I cannot comment on whether or not Cerberus acquiring these firearms compaines has helped or hurt the individual bottom line, I can say that at least in the case of Remington, Marlin and Bushmaster, they haven't done them any favors. The Remington line is getting less value driven and more clunky by the day. They do have some new introductions for 2010, but if they are built anything like the latest batch of 870, 1187 and 700's - they can keep them. The Marlin 795 is just a sad shame and my heart went out to a customer who came in with a new Bushmaster M4-gery for a boresight. It was a brand new hunk of crap. He said he needed to try new ammo, as the XM193 he was shooting had continual problems. Suspecting it was the rifle, I noticed on the bore sight vise, that his FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG to find a joke of a stake job, (we were able to turn the bolts right out) and the trigger felt like oatmeal...I begged him to send it back, (which he did)....Bigger is not always better....[thinking]
Personally, unless you're living room is on the range then how big of a noise issue is this really? Sounds like an ideological gripe. If they want to see what it's like to have noise to complain about then move next to an active air station. (but for me F4's -> F18's were always some the best 'noise' I'd ever heard)

Here's a suggestion:


Well, it sounds like the two biggest whiners are trying to sell a house and two acres nearby and are having problems because of that. One woman's buyer freaked out because of the noise and said she couldn't live near there (and kudos for her for not buying and then bitching about the noise!). So yeah, they're trying to get out but claiming they can't because of the noise.

Me, personally? I've said it before and I'll say it again - I would not mind living near an outdoor range. The noise simply wouldn't bother me. Nobody shoots after dark, and usually they're nice enough to not start shooting before 9 AM at most ranges I'm aware of, so why would I care? If they started earlier I'd go over and ask if they would voluntarily move it back instead of going and whining to the town council.

Actually, thinking on this some more... it would be bad for me to live near a range. It'd get VERY expensive, 'cause whenever I'd hear firing I'd want to go over and do some shooting!!! [laugh]
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Bushmaster has been around since at least the late 80's. The pit appears to have been used regularly as a ad-hoc range for a very long time. These people likely bought there property knowing this, yet complain after the fact. Reminds me of the dirtbags in the condos behind the firing line at BRP. Their typical response is to demand that someone else invest the money in to correct their short sightedness.

Kind of looks that way...

YORK MARY JO Sale Date -10/23/2006
YORK CLIFTON R & MARY J 12/17/1993


Town Council minutes from 02/02 (maybe there's more info there).


I can't read it as my copy of MS Word won't open it. [frown]
Cerberus, a bunch of MBA egghead finance guys with no feel for product or customers. They bought into firearms as a market timing move, sensing the increase in Constitutionalism and traditional values - therefore RKBA - in the populace. They will ruin those companies.

I say this as a banker who began his career financing just such leveraged buyouts as Cerberus specializes in.
Maybe they can open up a paintball center in the abandoned Bushmaster building - or perhaps a thrift store...[thinking]

Better yet, a food pantry! [shocked]

Because they will need it if Bushie pulls up stakes and moves.

I can hear 2 gun ranges from my house. It's music to my ears and I moved here a few years before I ever got a permit and got into guns. I knew that the closer one was there and had been for 40 years before I moved in. Even if your not into guns, you get used to it and ignore the noise.

When I was dating my Wife, her house was across the street from a Boston fire station. I got used to the sirens to the point of ignoring them. One day I was doing homework there, ignored all the sirens until I went out to pick her up at work and couldn't get out of her street . . . and heard the news that 2000 Comm Ave had collapsed (killing a number of workmen).

I was born in Brookline, only a few hundred feet from Rte. 9, which was "the road to NY" back then. I got used to the rumbling of trucks at all hours.

I guess that there are two kinds of people:

- Those that learn to live in their environment, and

- Those that try to force everyone else to live in what they envision as their "perfect world" and have zero tolerance for anything else. [rolleyes]
Cerberus, a bunch of MBA egghead finance guys with no feel for product or customers. They bought into firearms as a market timing move, sensing the increase in Constitutionalism and traditional values - therefore RKBA - in the populace. They will ruin those companies.

I say this as a banker who began his career financing just such leveraged buyouts as Cerberus specializes in.

I am afraid you may be proven correct. Remember folks, Romney was a venture capitalist.
I guess that there are two kinds of people:

- Those that learn to live in their environment, and

- Those that try to force everyone else to live in what they envision as their "perfect world" and have zero tolerance for anything else. [rolleyes]

Oh, like Libertarians and Democrats. [sad2]
The purpose of writing is communication.

This seems useless for anyone who doesn't specialize: "FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG "

It might be interesting to more people if they know what was being discussed. (btw, I looked in the Sticky: acronyms)
Any bets that those complaining were former residents of either MA, NY, CT, NJ or RI?.....or some other urban/suburban(crowded) environment?

I agree with the "Get a Job!" post too. Get a job or a hobby involving machines.....,put better windows in your house or put earplugs in........but in any case...just STFU!!!!

The local employees should be lambasting (legally and verbally of course) these whining little bitches for all their worth and at every turn......their jobs could be at stake.
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