Bushmaster Weapons Testing Irks Windham, Maine Neighbors

Here's a revalation; if you don't want to listen to the noise of gun fire, don't buy a home next to a proving ground.

Exactly....90% of the homes in that area were built after Bushmaster moved in.....we have the same problem here in southern maine with the atv trails. out of staters are moving in and complaining about the atv trails....
The purpose of writing is communication.

This seems useless for anyone who doesn't specialize: "FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG "

It might be interesting to more people if they know what was being discussed. (btw, I looked in the Sticky: acronyms)

I'm not a specialist, but since he was talking about a Bushmaster M4, my guess would be FSB= Front Sight Base and BCG= Bolt Carrier Group. Just a guess. Even not knowing, I still got the overall intent of the post, which was that the quality of the products coming from companies that are bought by Cerberus declines rapidly.

It is a shame that people don't have the foresight to examine the area outside the "immediate neighborhood" when they purchase a home!
I'm going to guess that none of the people employed by Bushie are the ones complaining about the noise...

On the other hand, some of the whiners are selling goods and services to the people employed by Bushie and may find a smaller pool of consumers when Bushie leaves...
The purpose of writing is communication.

This seems useless for anyone who doesn't specialize: "FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG "

It might be interesting to more people if they know what was being discussed. (btw, I looked in the Sticky: acronyms)

Jesus chill dude... I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart for daring to use acronyms that are commonplace on a firearms forum.... [thinking] Perhaps you should have looked at nearly every single thread on every single firearms forum, regarding the AR-15/M-16/M4 platform. I didn't realize that it was my job to edumacate you, while I was replying to a thread.

Spare me the "purpose of writing" lecture while you're at it - I'm fairly certain that I've got the writing gig down. Perhaps you can search the information superhighway for an acronym-free spot to coddle your noggin....

BTW, I noticed his FA was a bit gritty and his FCG seemed to have pins that were destined to walk out....Here - I'll help you, since you're obviously in a bit of need:


Have at it! [cheers]
The purpose of writing is communication.

This seems useless for anyone who doesn't specialize: "FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG "

It might be interesting to more people if they know what was being discussed. (btw, I looked in the Sticky: acronyms)

I would venture that 95% of the people reading this thread knew what was being discussed.

Should I not use the term "mag" or "AR" here either? Dear Lord, what if someone here doesn't specialize in that stuff?

It's expected that most people will understand the terms. Those that don't can simply ask.
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Bushie may want to host a BA-50 day for its employees. Everyone is given 100 rounds and told to have a nice day at the range.
10lb tannerite targets only.
Did anyone notice that I specifically didn't use the name of the author of the post about which I was asking.

Why would anyone assume that I wasn't "chill"? I didn't use impolite language, type in all capitals, or anything. I sure got a defensive reaction to my passive-type post (implying less then clarity in communication, but not accusing; "this seems", "it might).

Nevertheless two responders made sure that their response would be personel by including my login name.

I'd say it is silly (but that is only my opionion) to equate the use of "mag" and "AR" with "FSB" and "BCR".

Considering the cross-section of readers of this forum, and the fact that this thread title doesn't imply a technical discussion of the parts of an AR-type rifle, I'm sure I was speaking for way more than 5%. Notice that many may have wandered in thinking that the discussion would be of non-gun owners attitudes toward gun manufacturerers. Of course I got the general slant of the sentence, but by using esoteric acronyms the average reader does not get any idea of what to look for when they perhaps are shopping for an Bushmaster AR.

Sometimes people want others to know how smart they are; or to be vague enough so that others never buy a product from a specific manufacturer. I've met some at gun shops (and elsewhere).

--jcr (still chillin')

Take it outside fellas.

I was bummed when H&R left Gardner. As an owner of two of their topper deluxe models and a caller to their support line on multiple occasions I can say they were a pleasure to work with and very quick to respond. My last call regarding a montecarlo stock and barrel swap was not as smooth though the individual was still very knowledgeable.
I wonder if bushmaster were to be lumped in with everyone else in NY how that would impact them operationally.
And +1 on remington's QC/QA. I don't like what I've been seeing on new 870's. Very sloppy and rough.
Maine is hostile to any manufacturing. New wind power scheme (WHILE WE HAVE A SURPLUS OF POWER DISTRIBUTED TO THE GRID) products manufactured in Brazil...The largest growth in employment is in government, their benefits and mounting debt. We too are under one party rule. Stalin's plan is working.
that his FSB was canted. While we were there, I pulled his BCG to find a joke of a stake job...felt like oatmeal...I begged him to send it.. (which he did)....Bigger is not always better....

Glad you sent me to that web site with all the abbreviations.... thought your conversation was a little perverted but then I realized you were just talking about a gun[rolleyes]
On a more serious note, I would not assume that none of the people on the petition were employed by Bushmaster. I did a job for a company once that was the only employer in a small town. Employed probably 500 people, making tile. They got into a little trouble with dumping some crap in a nearby creek that they had to clean up. Talked to several of the employees in the course of this contract and more than a couple said "I hope they run this company out of business!" Not sure who "they" was but if "they" shut it down, you are going to be out of a job dumb a$$. With a 9.7% government reported unemployment (read about 17% actual) and Maine not being the hot spot of up and coming industry, you would think that people would be just a bit smarter. Of course if Bushy leaves then the great government will swing and take care of them.[thinking]
Better yet, a food pantry! [shocked]

Because they will need it if Bushie pulls up stakes and moves.

I can hear 2 gun ranges from my house. It's music to my ears and I moved here a few years before I ever got a permit and got into guns. I knew that the closer one was there and had been for 40 years before I moved in. Even if your not into guns, you get used to it and ignore the noise.

When I was dating my Wife, her house was across the street from a Boston fire station. I got used to the sirens to the point of ignoring them. One day I was doing homework there, ignored all the sirens until I went out to pick her up at work and couldn't get out of her street . . . and heard the news that 2000 Comm Ave had collapsed (killing a number of workmen).

I was born in Brookline, only a few hundred feet from Rte. 9, which was "the road to NY" back then. I got used to the rumbling of trucks at all hours.

I guess that there are two kinds of people:

- Those that learn to live in their environment, and

- Those that try to force everyone else to live in what they envision as their "perfect world" and have zero tolerance for anything else. [rolleyes]

So true. My parents played at having a farm in the little town (Lyme) in NH where I grew up. A Dartmouth college professor and his wife bought a house about a half mile down the road from us, and promptly started complaining about the noise from the tractors, the smell of manure, and the fact we let locals hunt on our land. They felt that these activities were destroying the rural setting they had moved to Lyme for.
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So true. My parents played at having a farm in the little town (Lyme) in NH where I grew up. A Dartmouth college professor and his wife bought a house about a half mile down the road from us, and promptly started complaining about the noise from the tractors, the smell of manure, and the fact we let locals hunt on our land. The felt that these activities were destroying the rural setting they had moved to Lyme for.
Whatinhell did they think happened out in a "rural setting"??? Your folks sat on the veranda all day long sippin' mint juleps?

Yeesh. More proof (if it was ever actually needed!) that you don't actually need to be intelligent to be a college professor.
Yeesh. More proof (if it was ever actually needed!) that you don't actually need to be intelligent to be a college professor.

There's miles of difference between real intelligence and "book intelligence"!! [thinking]
If they have enough berm to absorb the projectile, I think they should pop one of these off a few times in the pit.... right at around dinnertime. [laugh]


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How'd you like to buy a thousand rounds of ammo for that?

I think DeGroat had posted on his site that it was something like $75 for one shot, in terms of costs to load up the shell. [laugh]

I think DeGroat had posted on his site that it was something like $75 for one shot, in terms of costs to load up the shell. [laugh]


A teacher when I was in undergrad has a sherman tank with a functioning main gun and the FFL to use it. He has to mill rounds from solid steel in order to load shells. He also goes around looking for spent shells in army navy supplies.
You don't buy a house next to a range that's been operating for 40 years, complain about the noise, then complain when prospective buyers complain about the noise. Common sense.
In some ways, this is worse than people in MA. I grew up near Camp Curtis Guild and Reading Rifle. My mother still lives there. Since we moved there in 1982, it has been an almost daily ritual of gunfire including full auto, particularly in the afternoons and on weekends. Never heard anybody in the old hood complain, which is the most amazing thing given our sad band of leftists in this state.

I think these neighbors are barking up the wrong tree. If Bushmaster moves out, no matter what the reason, these folks would be blamed. I would gather they'd spend the rest of thier days in Maine looking over thier shoulder.
This kind of crap happens everywhere. Back at the camp my scout troop went to, a guy asked the owners of the camp if he could build a house on their property. They said no. He did anyway (no idea how he got the permits...). Then the guy calls the police and makes the camp stop playing taps and reveille at night/morning. It wasn't even that bad of hours, I think they played at 8am/pm.

People don't think, do what they want to do, and then refuse to accept the consequences.
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