Buying Legal Pot Will Get You On The Federal Database

Scanning your ID or posting in a cannabis thread still shows the Feds your interest [devil]

Add "viewing the thread" and you have 1/3 of the full picture. The other 2/3rds are the associative metadata processes. Like those which predict ads for you on random websites you browse to on your cell phone three days after you searched for the item on your laptop from the same IP address.
Pots days as schedule 1 worse than Hitler are numbered. This isnt exactly a mid to long term problem worse case scenario.

If the police want to DQ people, they can. There are so many insane laws on the books that it's impossible to not get caught in the old Al Capone trick one way or another.
Pots days as schedule 1 worse than Hitler are numbered. This isnt exactly a mid to long term problem worse case scenario.

If the police want to DQ people, they can. There are so many insane laws on the books that it's impossible to not get caught in the old Al Capone trick one way or another.

Was he the one they bagged for opening his cigarettes from the bottom thus not breaking the tax seal?
How can they tell? When you buy a firearm filling out the form it states using drugs correct? Doesn’t mention purchasing...Buying isn’t always using

The courts have already f***ed that one up. Even having an MMJ card in that one case was enough to substantiate the claim of "prohibited person".

There are some interesting (and disturbing) advances in facial recognition systems. Possibly/probably in our lifetimes, shopping will mean walking into a store, picking up the things you want and walking out with them, without any interaction with the staff or even a self-checkout.

ALL of the technology to do this exists today. You're being scanned and classified right NOW, in some places/establishments you might not expect.

For the free association impaired, you won't need to show your license to walk into a strip club OR a pot store much longer.

And nobody is yet talking about how that data will be handled. Nothing prevents a store (other than fear of public backlash) from automatically posting your walk-in to their Facebook page.

Lifetime? maybe like 5-10 years tops. That shit will be more common. quicker, than electric or self driving cars even, more than likely, unless people start to get really creeped out and pissed off by how invasive it is. Even if they do, it will be too late, because frankly this shit should have been dealt with in the 90s, barring government from using the tech, and providing protections for people in public with it, too. Orwell is already spinning in his grave like a gas turbine....

Someone being protective of a photo ID is quaint. It might not be possible to be more out of touch.

It depends on the modalities involved and who you are trying to protecting it from. Obviously some high level fed agency or a
fusion center, etc, is completely futile. But I can see some people, not allowing scanning for the sake of trying to prevent something like identity theft,
etc. That at least isn't completely implausible/futile.

Someone being protective of a photo ID is quaint. It might not be possible to be more out of touch.
It depends on the modalities involved and who you are trying to protecting it from. Obviously some high level fed agency or a fusion center, etc, is completely futile.

But I can see some people, not allowing scanning for the sake of trying to prevent something like identity theft, etc.
Or you're just trying to reduce the collection of marketing data, minimize Facebook's "shadow profiling" abilities, etc.

Same reasoning behind disabling bluetooth and WiFi when shopping, rejecting "loyalty cards", and paying with cash.

All of which are probably good things to do when you visit the dispensary, BTW.
Find your hippy friend who doesn't care about guns, make your list, let him buy, and give him a Jackson for his efforts. You are clean and he can get high on your money. Problem solved.
The courts have already f***ed that one up. Even having an MMJ card in that one case was enough to substantiate the claim of "prohibited person".

Interestingly here in MA, the MGL for medical marijuana explicitly states:

Any person meeting the requirements under this law shall not be penalized under Massachusetts law in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, for such actions.

And the MA Constitution states in Part 1, Article XVII:

The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence.

In its own constitution, MA admits that keeping arms is a right at the state level. The MMJ law says one cannot be denied any right for following the MMJ law (i.e. buying and consuming medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation). I think there may be cases in MA where a dealer denied selling a gun to a person who made it known that he either was an MMJ cardholder or used MMJ. But I am unaware of any MA case where an MMJ patient has had their LTC revoked or guns confiscated or similar because they were buying or possessing marijuana.

Recreational is now legal in 12 states (with probably at least 1 or 2 additional going to do it via ballot vote this year) and medical is now legal, in some form, in all but 3 states. The feds are looking the other way as hard as they possibly can on this. If one takes into consideration how many MMJ patients are in a given state versus how many gun permits/people owning guns in that state, there will undoubtedly be an overlap. And so we will probably stay in this federal/state limbo where it's illegal but nobody/very few people get prosecuted until this can be fixed federally.
Lifetime? maybe like 5-10 years tops. That shit will be more common. quicker, than electric or self driving cars even, more than likely, unless people start to get really creeped out and pissed off by how invasive it is. Even if they do, it will be too late, because frankly this shit should have been dealt with in the 90s, barring government from using the tech, and providing protections for people in public with it, too. Orwell is already spinning in his grave like a gas turbine....


Remind me of this topic at the next Natick meetup [laugh]
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