Bye Bye Evans

Don’t worry, his replacement will be just as bad, if not worse.

How far into the interview for his replacement is the first question about guns?
First question with "pass" or "fail" answer.

If William Gross doesn't get the job you know some shady backroom politics is going on.
Boston is all about backroom shady politics.

And will he be able to double dip with a pension from BC if he's there a while?
Of course, private pensions are totally separate from public pension laws.

Very sad day for BC! Glad I no longer have anything to do with BCPD otherwise I would quit before working for this weasel.

Someone will have to fill those big douche shoes. I’m sure Mahty has a super douche ready to go.
Every police commish is a political puppet with strings pulled by the mayor. That's the way Boston works.
His kids will be probably be going to BC for free too!

That is indeed a perc for working for a college. A friend of mine retired as a Lt. at BCPD. He sent all his kids thru BC and the cost was $0.00 for tuition for all of them.
This is not true according to Mahty -

"I'm disappointed last night ... that WBZ went with sources that were unnamed, and not verifying it with the police department or the city of Boston," Walsh told reporters. "He's the police commissioner. I've said this more than one time, he is the best police commissioner in the country and if people are courting him, they should. If I was the mayor of another city, I'd be courting Billy Evans to come to my city. And I just think it is unfortunate that went out last night."

Walsh on top cop job: Evans is 'the Police Commissioner'
A fat,black,lesbian wheel chair bound midget transgendered muslim Gulf War veteran that was a victim of the great Mass Pike toll taker purge ?

I performed a Google search on the above string and got this...

New PC won't mean anything different. They would never be able to change the licensing policy without mayoral approval short of a massive campaign pointing out that as a minority majority city Boston goes out of its way to make sure its residents have less rights than those of the suburbs and thusly is perpetuating a bigoted and racist policy of inequality
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Good riddance, you piece of shit.

Bye bye Skeletor. You won't be missed.

NES folks are going to have to come up with a new handle for the next commissioner. I don’t think POS will win the prize, but excellent try Kalish!

We should have a contest for the new handle for the next commissioner. I’ll kick in a clam dinner at Spankys on Hyannis harbor as one of the prizes. (They close in October though).
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