Can I ship Springfield to FFL in Mass ?


NES Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I tried searching the forums for an answer to this but found nothing specific, so please forgive me if I missed it somewhere.

I'm interested in one of Springfield Armory's XD models. I know none of Springfield's firearms are approved for sale in Mass. so no Mass dealers carry them.

But can I have one shipped from another state to a Mass FFL dealer for transfer to me?

ETA: OK, I just found a thread stating I can't do this. So that seems to leave one last method - I travel to a neighboring state, purchase the XD, and then bring it back to Mass and fill out the proper forms? Or is that banned too?
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can't do that either pistol must be purchased by you BUT you can't purchase a pistol out of state if you are not a resident of said state.
someone buys pistol for you also illegal straw man purchase violation of Federal law
Do some more research here or elsewhere before you become a "guest of the Feds" at the graybar hotel!!

Fed Law since 1968 = NO purchases of handguns allowed across state lines. Buyer and Seller (must be FFL across state lines) must both reside in the SAME state.

Ergo, no legal way to get your XD short of buying privately IN MA from a MA LTC holder.
Option 3: Find someone who's planning on moving into Massachusetts and convince them to purchase one before moving here. Then after they become a resident and get their LTC they can legally sell it to you.

Option 4: Contact an out-of-state relative who's on the short list to shuffle of this mortal coil. Ask them to purchase one for themself and leave it to you in their will.

Option 5: Purchase or lease property in a free state and reside there for part of the year (e.g., a summer home in NH). Purchase one there during your residency, and bring it back to MA with you.

KMaurer Don't most states have minimum residency requirements? and is it legal for you to have a driver's licence in two states. Two licencrs in two different states might cause some suspicition or maybe a visit from Homeland security?
KMaurer Don't most states have minimum residency requirements? and is it legal for you to have a driver's licence in two states. Two licencrs in two different states might cause some suspicition or maybe a visit from Homeland security?

The fed standard I believe is like 90 contigious days, or somesuch, at least
as far as BATFE goes.

Of course theres much controversy over the "residency" issue, but IMO if
you can get a DL in that state, that is bound to an address in said
state, you are functionally and practically speaking, for MOST intents and
purpouses, a resident there.

As far as the DL issue goes, most states confiscate your other
license, when you ask for a new one, but others do not, but frown
upon you carrying more than one license. Some explicitly have a
law saying you can only have one DL. (A buddy of mine from MA that
moved to MD, got pulled over for a traffic infraction there, and when
he opened his wallet the cop saw the MA license and made him
surrender it, on the spot. For some reason the MD DMV droid didnt
make him turn it over).

Note that a DL is not always required in terms of gun purchases, assuming
the FFL knows the laws and knows that " proof of residency " can be
determined by more than just a state issued ID, Some are hard nosed
and don't want to exploit that end of the law.

I doubt DHS would ever come knocking, otherwise they'd be knocking
on the doors of every person thats ever migrated from one state to

Option 3: Find someone who's planning on moving into Massachusetts and convince them to purchase one before moving here. Then after they become a resident and get their LTC they can legally sell it to you.

Option 4: Contact an out-of-state relative who's on the short list to shuffle of this mortal coil. Ask them to purchase one for themself and leave it to you in their will.

Option 5: Purchase or lease property in a free state and reside there for part of the year (e.g., a summer home in NH). Purchase one there during your residency, and bring it back to MA with you.


I Love option 4!!! I may be doing that... Yeah... it may take a year or so to get what I want, but man... it would be worth it!
The most recent published rules I have from BATFE don't state any specific minimum time, but do rule out weekend or short vacation stays. There's no requirement to have a driver's license, but you will need to find a dealer who's willing to accept other evidence of residency (e.g., utility bills).

The DHS remark was my little world of paranoia but I've tried using other forms of ID to do things such as my LTC and given a hard time about it.
Most places want some type of picture id like a licence but I do know that in Ma you can get an ID issued by the DMV with picture. my wife can't drive but she does have the photo ID issued by the DMV that looks very much like a licence and no one has given her any grief when presented
The DHS remark was my little world of paranoia but I've tried using other forms of ID to do things such as my LTC and given a hard time about it.

I love that kind. When they say, "Don't you have a liiiiiiiiiiiicense?," I point to where it says "LICENSE To Carry Firearms" and ask "WHAT does THAT say?"

Cretins deserve to be abused, especially those in power.

NOTE: I do NOT use an LTC for ID if I'm actually carrying! [wink]
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