Can multiple registrations raise red flags at CHSB?

I figured that one out after taking one glance at the process to get an FID/LTC.

Once I get the hell out of this state, and back to a freer state (Maryland was bad, but not even close), I'll never complain about just needing a NICS check to buy whatever I want again.
I figured that one out after taking one glance at the process to get an FID/LTC.

Once I get the hell out of this state, and back to a freer state (Maryland was bad, but not even close), I'll never complain about just needing a NICS check to buy whatever I want again.

MD is far far worse than MA is. There is no CCW in MD whatsoever, whereas in
MA, an A/ALP is obtainiable in about 75% of the state.

I guess it depends on viewpoint, but IMO a state where CCW is made
of "mostly obtainium" is far better than any state where CCW is made
of "mostly unobtainium". I guess if you're "strictly recreational" shooter,
it matters very little.... But IMO any state that is like 95% deny by
default, is not condusive to gun rights. From what I remember, MD
only gives CCWs to people that are politically connected, have some
overwhelmingly, documentable reason to constantly fear for their
life, or to people who are crippled, and even for these "classes" its still
a pain in the ass.

IIRC, MD also had a bunch of lame handgun laws, but not sure how that has
changed with the presence of the new barrel lock thingys.

MD vs MA is not a matter of freedom- it's a matter of choosing your
poison... both of them have the effect of robbing one of freedom.

That's very true, but on the other hand, should the ordinary citizen one day receive a threat to their life, they could go straight to the local gun store, watch a ten minute safety video, run NICS, and take a shotgun out the door. Useless while you're on the go? Yes, but at least you could immediately be able to protect your family at home. Here that is not possible with all the regulations and requirements for getting an FID/LTC.

I agree that Maryland sucks also, but they don't have any AWB in place either, so preban configurations are once again legal there, as are the new PS90 and FS2000 among others. They don't have registration there either. The one time I walked into a store to buy, I filled out the ATF form, put $950 over the counter, and walked out with my PSS. For my others, I had the fortune of my dad having an FFL (since expired and not renewed)

What I really need to do, as does everyone else on this board, is move to New Hampshire.
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